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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Second Impressions)




    Ch 18



    “Carlin, you look like a moron,” I start to say


    “Well there’s two Carlins,” I hear someone say, “so I guess that makes 2 morons and…a freak.”







    As soon as she hears that voice, Ashley’s whole body tenses up. She turns around and says through clenched teeth “Madison. Don’t you have anything better to do than ruin everyone else’s day?”


    Madison smirks, “You call it ruining, I call it providing entertainment.”  Ashley just laughs fakely.


    Then she turns to Glen, “Aw that’s so sweet of you, supervising little sis’s date.” Before Glen has a chance to react, Ashley lunges at Madison, grabbing a fistful of hair.


    “Get off of me you dyke!” Madison screeches, she tries to turn around but before she can Aiden pulls her away, and I grab Ashley around the stomach. He gives me an apologetic look as I basically wrestle Ashley over to the changing rooms. “Glen we’ll find you in a little bit,” I yell over my shoulder.


    She struggles the whole way, and I’m surprised I keep my hold on her because she’s so much stronger than I am. “Spencer let me go!” She yells, “I’ll fucking kick her ass!”


    “I know you will, and that’s why I’m getting you away from her.” We finally reach the locker rooms and it’s empty, thank God. I push her up against a row of lockers, pinning her arms above her head but she still fights to break free from my grasp. “Ashley stop it,” I say sternly, “Look at me.” She stops struggling for a moment and our eyes lock. “Are you going to be good?” I ask. She mutters what I assume is a “yes” and I slowly let go of her wrists.


    Big mistake, as soon as I do she tries to make a break for it, but I’m quicker. I grab her and once again put her back into the same position she was just in.


    “Spencer let go of me!” She yells. “I’m not going to let her get away with saying shit like that!”


    She won’t stop fighting me, and I know I won’t be able to contain her much longer so as a last ditch effort, I push my thigh between hers, slamming it right into her center. That does it. Her eyes roll back in her head momentarily and when she looks at me again, they’re darkened with lust.

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