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    Southern Summers (Chapter Six)

                I woke up disoriented and rolled over, looking around and trying to distinguish what time it was. I reached blindly towards where my phone was laying on the bedside table and groaned when I saw that it was nearly three in the afternoon. I wondered vaguely why no one woke me as I rolled out of bed and walked towards the closet. I grabbed everything that I would need for my shower before heading down the hallway and slipping into the bathroom. The house was eerily quiet but I paid this no mind as I started the water before undressing and stepping in. The warm water felt great on my skin and it soothed me as I just stood there under the jet, not making a move to clean just yet. I wanted to wash away every lie that I had told Spencer and take it all back and hold her until the world ended; and that scared the shit out of me.

                After my shower I changed into shorts and half a t-shirt before walking downstairs and into the kitchen. My grandmother was sitting at the table, talking on the phone. She cast a disapproving look over my outfit but I just smiled and leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. She felt that young women should be covered at all times; showing too much skin would give us a bad reputation. I could honestly care less about what the town of Epson thought about me; well except for one certain blonde that would probably never talk to me again. I didn’t blame her and it was probably better if she didn’t hang around me. I had a tendency of making girls fall in love with me and I didn’t need that drama this summer. At least in LA it was easy enough to avoid them it would be nearly impossible to avoid Spencer seeing as we lived in the same house.

                I dug around in the refrigerator and settled on fixing myself a sandwich for a snack.

                “Hi Ash…ley” Spencer said, her voice catching when she caught sight of my outfit. I smirked and gave her a half wave as I took a bite of my sandwich. I was surprised that she was being nice to me but then again from what I could tell Spencer was a genuinely nice person. “Did you sleep well?” She asked, looking down as she asked. Ah, so she was going the ‘be civil’ route.

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    1. wow. that was heartbreaking. ash just totally put it all out there and I must admit it brought some tears to my eyes! man spence needs to realize what’s right there and grab it. even if it’s only for the summer. excellent! pms please!

    2. ash has got to step up her game to make it reallllly hard for spencer to resist, like seriously these two need to get together!awesome chapter, loved their talk! pms

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