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    A Scene
    by Char Hall (

    Dana Fairbanks applied sunglasses as she and Alice stepped out of Lather. The sunlight immediately warmed her exposed shoulders, spreading a feeling of heat over her otherwise chilled body. Alice hooked an arm around hers and reached up her free hand to touch Danas newly colored locks.

    This looks fantastic, Dane, Alice said, grinning wildly and adding an excited bounce to her step. Dana shrugged, which prompted Alice to switch gears and slow down. She stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and put a hand on Danas shoulder to prevent her from walking on. Whats wrong?

    Dana quit walking, looked at her feet, and finally shrugged. Its, uhm, itchy. She wiped away more fine, pokey hairs that Shane had missed with her soft bristled wiping brush. She shifted from foot to foot. But it wasnt her hair that was bothering her at all, although she had to admit that she now sported the exact same haircut as both Alice and Shane.

    No, it was Alice that caused this crappy mood. She had been behaving badly these last few weeks and Dana felt the final straw had been broken. Although she had been very distracted the day she had come out to Andrew, her mothers idea of a great blind date, Dana had begun to notice Alices flagrant disregard for the feelings of others–in that particular case, Lisa. Since then she had paid more attention and discovered that she was not at all impressed with Alices newfound self-absorption.

    Itchy. Alice shook her head. Thats not really whats bothering you is it?

    Deciding that keeping silent and making Alice guess her emotions was not the most productive approach to her problem, Dana took a deep breath and looked Alice in the eye. Nope. Whats bothering me is you, Alice.

    Alice looked shocked. She took a step back and assumed a defensive posture by crossing her arms across her chest. What?

    What was that how about a little support for me bullshit?


    Dana didnt stop to let Alice speak, she had opened a floodgate. I mean, you brought this on yourself. Have you never heard of a condom before?

    Thats pretty harsh, Dana.

    Dana forced herself to soften her tone. You know, I do sympathize with you. I know youre in a tough position right now. And Ill support whatever decision you make–be it to have an abortion, or to give the baby to Bette and Tina. But Alice youve been so incredibly selfish lately that Im starting to have trouble feeling like I want to help you.

    Indignation blossomed through Alice. You have some nerve, Dana. Who tried to pull you out of your slump when you dumped Lara? Who was there when you told your parents you were ***** *****? Huh? Who the ***** stood by you?

    Dana felt her cheeks heat to a vibrant red. Im surprised you even took the time to notice someone other than yourself!

    You have got to be ***** kidding me, Alice said, throwing her arms up. Im out of here. She started to walk away but Dana reached out and whipped her around.

    Dont walk away, Alice. We might actually be getting somewhere, Dana snapped.

    You think arguing like this in the middle of the street is productive? Im sorry, but Im not gonna do this with you. Not here and definitely not now. This time when Alice started walking, Dana just let her go.

    A sense of dread unfurled in her belly and she hung her head as she started down the street to her car. She had not approached that well at all. She had intended on being adult, but she had let her emotions get away from her instead. Dana would let Alice calm down before she approached her again. In the meantime, she wanted to head to The Planet. She needed the strongest shot of coffee Marina had to offer.

    – x –

    Dana had her head down, trying to distract herself with a local independent paper. So far she had read her horoscope four times, not really processing the words each time she read it. She had the paper spread out in front of her, and a mug of coffee grasped tightly between both hands. She started her horoscope for the fifth time, when a hand gripped her shoulder. Dana jumped, spilling coffee all over the newspaper. A curse escaped her lips and she jerked her head up to find Alice looking expectantly down at her.

    Sorry. Can I sit?

    Dana, stunned, indicated the chair next to her. Alice, Im sorry–

    Alice sat down and reached out to grasp Danas hands in her own. Hold on a second, Dana. Ive been thinking a lot about what you said, she squeezed Danas hands, You have a point. I was kind of being irresponsible. She let a nervous laugh escape. I mean, Im not on birth control I just I need to be more careful.

    Its not just the possibility of your being pregnant, Alice, Dana ventured. She removed one of her hands from Alices in order to nervously brush a strand of hair behind her ear. The way you flirted with Andrew right there in front of Lisa was not right, Alice. I mean, thats something Gabby would have done. Alice looked hurt, but Dana could tell that her words were registering. I was so proud of you when you broke up with her. But the way youve been behaving since then I just dont feel like I know who you are anymore.

    Alice sat studying Dana, nodding her head ever so slightly. I didnt realize it, Dana. I promise Im still the same person Ive always been. I was just–you were right, I was being selfish. I wasnt happy with Lisa and I didnt know how to deal with it. I just needed something different.

    Dana smiled. Nice and uncomplicated, right?

    Something like that, Alice laughed. Seems to be working, doesnt it?

    Or not, you know. But we cool?

    Alice leaned over and wrestled Dana into a hug. Were cool.


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