If you have not seen episode 7, Lose It All, STOP HERE.
Once you have, here’s the challenge, proposed by @Seahursta and @Allyemmerson:
Write the scene for when Angie is told that Tina is getting married to Carrie.
Should just Bette and Tina tell her? Bette, Tina and Carrie? Or should it be Tina and Carrie?
Be sure to add #FanficChallenge #Ep7 in your title so others can find it easily.
Have fun!
Tina should lead with Bette preset. She made the decision to move on with new partner. She should as Angie to come to her new home to meet Carrie.
Tina should talk with Angie alone to she what she’s experiencing as Angie contemplate’s her place
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I got to get to work…I know what I want to write, I just don’t know how to get there! LOL
i could happily write several versions of this – but as ANOTHER story came out of my head watching the last episode i will stick to just one…… enjoy writing