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    Aiden Dennison Must Die – (Chapter: Don't Get Mad Get Even: Part 1)

    Aiden Dennison Must Die

    Don’t Get Mad. Get Even: Part 1

    I was in 7th Grade when I realised that I was invisible, well not that kind of invisible more like anonymous. It’s not that I didn’t try, but I was always a real loser.

     Of course when it came to love…well that sucked too S-U-C-K-E-D. There was another thing working against me and that was my mom. She’s never had a problem landing men; she just had trouble keeping them. I used to keep track, but I found it exhausting so I just call them all skip. Their called skip because eventually that’s what they all do.

    It’s happened so many times that my mom had developed a very mature reaction. A quick therapy session or two or three and then we pack up the car and flee to another town.

    Ok maybe being invisible does have it advantages, with moving all the time; I’ve never had to deal with the whole awkward goodbye thing. It wasn’t easy, but in just a few short months I went from sort of unknown to…

    “Are you a nark?”

    But enough about me, this story isn’t even about me, it’s about him; Aiden Dennison. Let’s face it he is the man; captain of the basketball team, his families loaded and he looks somewhere between an Abercrombie model and a Greek god.

    “Let’s go Aiden Kill the Bobcats. Not the real bobcats, I mean their endangered” That’s Ashley Davies she’s the vegan teen lead activist. And they are all about save ‘chicks for chicken’ these days.

    Aiden makes the winning shot of game. Again.

    “This is Kyla Woods; it’s no question on who’s taking the cobras to states this year…”

    “Aiden Dennison here also know as Den, D Man, A Dog… some people call me D money, but I’m best known as al’ Capitan” And the sad thing is people actually do.

    “Short skirts equal talent, Yay” that’s Kyla.  Is it too obvious that she doesn’t like cheerleaders?

    While the cheerleader’s are doing their ‘sexy’ dancing, I saw Ashley pulling faces. Not exactly mature huh?

    “Hey table six”

    I work as a waitress at some up class restaurant by the harbour. I remember the first time I spoke to Aiden Dennison. It’s not like he blew me away or anything. I mean I was totally in control.

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    1. HAHHH that was great…im serously intruiged as to how yer gona make this all work out with ash ans sopencer…if you are of course (: very well played out PMASAP

    2. like most of it i was laughing so hard i stoped breathing and had to use my inhaler i was like”madision with a mustach and penis,intresting”haha pms please its supper good

    3. Ha, i love this. Everytime i watch the movie i always imagine those two together. But now that it’s actually going to happen with Spashley, it’s even better :p Post more soon!

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