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    Backstage Passes – (Chapter: 12: ‘Plan’ is an evil word)


    “Ash calm down.” Aiden said, finally managing to tear me away from her.


    Hayley also got up before Spencer, Lisa and Mr and Mrs. C. came to me. “Sorry Paula your plan didn’t work.” Hayley spat before leaving the house.


    “Ash what the hell is going on? Mum what plan?” Spencer questioned.


    “The plan to get me out of the picture so you could go back to precious Hayley.” I gave Mrs. C. a ‘look’ before I dragged Spencer upstairs, Lisa shortly behind. I heard the kitchen door open as I was going upstairs and heard Madison ask what was going on. Like anybody knew. We finally got into Spencer’s bedroom, I made my way over to the bed and lay down, Spencer sat on the edge of the bed waiting for me to speak, while Lisa sat on the computer chair doing to same. “Sorry Spence.”


    “What happened?”


    “Well I went over to say sorry about what happened with us, then she… she called you a gold- a gold- a gol” I can’t even say the god damn word myself.


    “She called me a gold-digger?” All I could do was nod my head. “Ash you know that’s not me.”


    “I know, then she said your mum invited her for some plan or something, so I walked away from her, then she pulled me back, I tried again and she pulled me back and slapped me, then the next thing Aiden is pulling me off. I’m so sorry.”


    There was a gentle knock at the door. Mr. C. opened it and quietly stepped inside. “Are you ok Ashley?”


    “Yeah thanks Mr. C.”


    “I’m sorry about what Paula did. She ran upstairs shortly after you crying, locking herself in the bedroom; we will talk to her tomorrow.” He reassured us.


    “Thanks dad. Is it ok if Ashley stays here tonight?” Awww Spencer is just too cute for words.


    “Won’t it be crowded with the three of you?” Oh right… Lisa.


    “It should be ok Mr. C. I will take the floor, I was planning to anyway, didn’t want Ashley to get mad about Spencer sharing a bed with someone other than her.” Lisa laughed, making the rest of us chuckle, she wasn’t too bad.

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    1. dun dun dunnn…i bet that hand belonged to paula. cuz paulas freakin lame like that. but hmm…ash and spence grinding on one another, not a bad picture! not a bad picture at all.

    2. dun dun dunnn…i bet that hand belonged to paula. cuz paulas freakin lame like that. but hmm…ash and spence grinding on one another, not a bad picture! not a bad picture at all.

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