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    Backstage Passes – (Chapter: 12: ‘Plan’ is an evil word)


    “Ok then. Well I don’t think Paula will be coming out for a while, or Hayley, so it’s safe to come out whenever you’re ready.”


    “Thanks dad.” Spencer says as he closes the door. “My mum is so in for it tomorrow.”


    “Take it easy on her Spence.”


    “Are you kidding me Ashley? She tried to get rid of you.”


    “Yeah and she went to her room crying. She obviously feels bad.” Ok, I’m siding against Spencer? This isn’t going to be good.


    “Fine.” Spencer acts mad, awww, I don’t think I will ever get tired of thinking awww, she’s just so cute when she pouts, when she does anything really.


    “Spence I know you aren’t mad so just give it up.”


    “Ok then.” She grins then lightly kisses me, turning it into something deeper.


    “You two are too sweet for words, but can we get back to the party?” That’s when Lisa decides to speak? Bad timing.


    “Yeah.” Spencer says as we make our way back down stairs. People haven’t been fazed much by the event that just happened, only the family and close friends.


    We were on the stairs. “I told you I didn’t like that scrawny bitch Spencer!” Madison pipes up.


    “Yeah, Madison not right now.” I say, I don’t think I can handle anymore talk about Hayley.


    “I just wanted to say I told you so. I wish I was here to kick her ass as well.” She winked before heading back to the kitchen, probably to finish the cookies. 


    “Well this isn’t what I had planned.” I laughed.


    “Hey I saw my girlfriend kicking total ass standing up for me, loved it.”


    “Oh is that right? So I can get into as many fights as I want as long as I’m protecting you?”


    “I expect you to.” I can’t help but laugh at this, the thing was, she was being serious.


    The party carried on back to normal, dancing, grinding, until Mr. C. saw us because Aiden was gawking and he told us to calm down. Woops. But dancing, cookies, they were so nice. Music, Spencer dancing with me, a big group dance of me, Spence, Lisa, Madison, Aiden, he must have felt lucky. Guys. Everything was perfect. Until I got a hand on my shoulder spinning me around.

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    1. dun dun dunnn…i bet that hand belonged to paula. cuz paulas freakin lame like that. but hmm…ash and spence grinding on one another, not a bad picture! not a bad picture at all.

    2. dun dun dunnn…i bet that hand belonged to paula. cuz paulas freakin lame like that. but hmm…ash and spence grinding on one another, not a bad picture! not a bad picture at all.

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