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    Dear Diary. – (Chapter: September 22-26.)

    September 22, 2005.

    Dear Diary:

    Today was pretty intense. I met this new girl, Spencer Carlin. She is from Ohio, and I can honestly say, I looked at her once and my heart soared. No one else has ever made my heart soar like she did at a simple ‘Hello.’ I know that sounds cheesy, but I also know that you understand.

    I, also, ran into Aiden today! I missed him very much. He said that when I was in rehab, he came to visit me before he went on vacation… But I was always sleeping. I told him, "It’s all good Aid, I just missed ya."

    He replied, "I know Ash, I missed you too kid." I really think that today was one of my better days since the incident.’ Though, I do somewhat wish my mom was home to welcome me back… But i remember she told me she had a trip she had to go on the week before i got released, so I guess I understand.

    You know, my mother truly is a whore. And I know in rehabilitation they told me I should really ‘refrain myself from starting bad habits again’, swearing and smoking cigarettes were two of them, but truth is: I never quit either… I just didn’t do them infront of the nurses or therapists.

    Well, i’m exhausted. Oh! Did I mention that Madison still is a bitch? No, i dont think i did. Well, she is. And if it weren’t for these Anger Management classes, I would knock her face in.

    Now i’m off for some sleep. Thanks for listening diary, you’re my best friend.



    September 24, 2005.

    Dear Diary:

    I decided not to update yesterday, because I would save it for today. My day was better these last two days, I think Madison was too hung over to come to school today, so I didn’t have to put up with her bull shit.

    I talked to Spencer again! She gave me her number, and we made plans for hanging out tomorrow… Which would be Saturday, incase you forgot. She’s so gorgeous, diary, you wouldn’t believe that guys aren’t jumping all over her. But she’s very conservative, and i dont think she’s a thing like Maddi… Besides that shes on the cheerleading team. So i think thats why boys aren’t attracted to her…She’s not a slut.

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