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    Diary of Jane


    I tear the entire house apart. My anger has gotten the better of me this time. This is probably the only time I have gotten this angry. It isn’t only because of you, but this time it is my fault. I have let myself get obsessed with finding out what I mean to you.


    By now the house is hardly standing. There are holes in the walls and picture frames smashed into the floor. Not one chair is still standing and not one piece of art is in one piece. I’m out of breath and tired. My sides and arms hurt from using muscle I don’t have. I make a fist and turn to the mirror with a sardonic smile. I let the glass cut my knuckles. I don’t care anymore.


    I find your diary and lay down in front of the fire. I can feel a new sickness rise in my stomach as thoughts pass through my mind. I let my last tear fall as I rip one page out of your diary.


    Try to find out what makes you tick

    As I lie down sore and sick

    Do you like that?

    Do you like that?


    Do you honestly enjoy the view from heaven? I look up at the ceiling as if I could see you in heaven. I hope you have front row seats to the outcome of what you did. If I could see you right now, I don’t know if I would kiss you and tell you I love you or would I grab you by your arms and scream at the top of my lungs about what I’ve been through? I definitely don’t hate you. I could never hate you if I tried. But I do wish that you knew how much this hurts me. There is a piece of me that wants you to feel what I feel, and a part of me that wants to feel what you feel. Nothing.


    There is a fine line between love and hate

    And I don’t mind

    Just let me say

    That I like that

    I like that


    You were put to rest a long year ago, so let me be put to peace. This diary is nothing near peace. It’s an obsession, a guilty pleasure. It is like a bruise that would go away if only I would stop poking it. A tear falls on the previously torn page in my hands as I stare blankly into the fire. I gently toss the page inside and watch the edges turn a golden brown before igniting. I grab the top corner of another page and bring it towards me, tearing it along the binding of the book. I throw it into the fire and watch it burn. There is a piece of you on every page and a piece of me. I have become attached to every droplet of ink in that thing.


    1. wow that was some pretty powerful stuff. Your writing gets better and better every time, that one was tugging at my little heart strings! It’s still sad at the end though – bittersweet!

    2. wow that was some pretty powerful stuff. Your writing gets better and better every time, that one was tugging at my little heart strings! It’s still sad at the end though – bittersweet!

    3. wow. peanut. that is the best thing you’ve written yet. I loved it. (glad you never told us how she died) what emotions you’ve brought up in me. that was fantastic. and i’m talking in circles cause the head/stomaches are taking over. but know that i loved this.

    4. wow. peanut. that is the best thing you’ve written yet. I loved it. (glad you never told us how she died) what emotions you’ve brought up in me. that was fantastic. and i’m talking in circles cause the head/stomaches are taking over. but know that i loved this.

    5. GAH! Halfway through i was CONVINCED it was going to end up being Ash’s dad. But no, you had to kill Spencer. GAH! You made me sad! You little bugger! You write too well now, go back to the way you used to write when you didn’t stir my emotions damn you. *throws hands in air* WHAT HAVE WE CREATED??

    6. GAH! Halfway through i was CONVINCED it was going to end up being Ash’s dad. But no, you had to kill Spencer. GAH! You made me sad! You little bugger! You write too well now, go back to the way you used to write when you didn’t stir my emotions damn you. *throws hands in air* WHAT HAVE WE CREATED??

    7. This story was emotionally exhausting for me. I love every second of it. I didn’t exactly like that Spencer was dead but I guess thats the way it is. And BTW, I really love that song. Breaking Benjamin is an awesome band.

    8. This story was emotionally exhausting for me. I love every second of it. I didn’t exactly like that Spencer was dead but I guess thats the way it is. And BTW, I really love that song. Breaking Benjamin is an awesome band.

    9. haha, clomle is so right, i thought it was your dad at first too., fgnre uigbi trg. and you know exactly how to make us completely devistated or estatic, and its not fair!

    10. haha, clomle is so right, i thought it was your dad at first too., fgnre uigbi trg. and you know exactly how to make us completely devistated or estatic, and its not fair!

    11. well i dont know what to say that hasnt been said already. but its was fantastic, magnificent peanut. i love your writing. :] and you of course peanut.

    12. well i dont know what to say that hasnt been said already. but its was fantastic, magnificent peanut. i love your writing. :] and you of course peanut.

    13. stylo you’ve got that song stick in my head now and i love it! this is an amazing and utterly sensational piece of writing. you brought out the sadness perfectly and yet still managed to end it on a beautiful note.

    14. stylo you’ve got that song stick in my head now and i love it! this is an amazing and utterly sensational piece of writing. you brought out the sadness perfectly and yet still managed to end it on a beautiful note.

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