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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: I’ll take you to heaven)



    “Yeah well this girl is pretty hot I wouldn’t want to let her down, even though I don’t do relationships anymore,” Spencer wrinkled up her nose and shook her head slightly. A thin blonde strand of hair fell across her eyes and she brushed it behind her ear.



    “Somehow I don’t see you as the kind of person that can just deal with random hookups. I mean I may be way off base here but in the past few hours you struck me as an incredibly sensitive person. I couldn’t see you just randomly being with someone for your own self interest. You wouldn’t do that.” She crossed her arms boldly across her Texans hoodie and cocked an eyebrow Ashley’s direction. Obviously, this girl was going to need proof that Ashley wasn’t an angel and what better place to prove that than club Heaven.



    “Do you want to come with me? We’re just going to club Heaven. It’ll be fun. I don’t have to be there for another two hours, we can go back to your dorm and get you lookin all hot, that is unless you aren’t up for a night in the life of Ashley Davies?” Now she needed to find a date and quick! A devilish grin lit up Ashley’s face and she watched Spencer shift in her seat looking nervous. Without waiting for an answer she threw a fifty on the table and grabbed Spencer by the hand dragging her outside.




    Spencer’s room was a lot different than Ashley’s room. Walking in, anyone could see that it was a lot smaller than Ashley’s room with the closet pushed right up against the wall behind the door. Spencer also had a roommate and Ashley had her room all to herself. She walked to the bed she assumed was Spencer’s and plopped down on the yellow and pink comforter. Not too girly but still cute enough to fit in a girl’s room. There was a pink feather boa hung in the window and on the backboard of her bed she had pictures of her and other friends everywhere. Her roommate Kristen obviously had a little more bold taste with a hot pink metallic bedspread that made Ashley want to gag. Spencer began rifling through her closet and settled on something that Ashley couldn’t see as she laid it down on the floor behind the desk.

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    1. I agree with all of the above comments. Why does Aiden ruin everything?? Ashley is about to break his heart again by taking Spencer away from him. Good! PMS!

    2. I agree with all of the above comments. Why does Aiden ruin everything?? Ashley is about to break his heart again by taking Spencer away from him. Good! PMS!

    3. hey guys I just wanted to apologize about the kiss… I ended up cutting it. But keep reading because the sparks that fly are going to be worth it.

    4. hey guys I just wanted to apologize about the kiss… I ended up cutting it. But keep reading because the sparks that fly are going to be worth it.

    5. I just found this story today and I love it so far. LMFAO Kristen is an idiot, but that makes her funny. I couldn’t stop laughing when she thought spence and ash were trying to scare her.

    6. I just found this story today and I love it so far. LMFAO Kristen is an idiot, but that makes her funny. I couldn’t stop laughing when she thought spence and ash were trying to scare her.

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