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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: I’ll take you to heaven)



    “I can’t believe I’m going with you. There’s no way I can possibly even come close to how good you look tonight.” Spencer paused and Ashley blushed at the thought of Spencer thinking she looked even remotely attractive.


    “Hey Spencer, I think that you… well you’re…”




    “You’re a total dork but I’m sure we’ll get you looking great,” Ashley grimaced as she side stepped a potentially vulnerable moment. She was supposed to be playing off her confidence but all she could do was stare at Spencer’s beautiful body as she changed. Her tanned abs stirred the butterflies in Ashley’s stomach as she remembered the feel of Spencer’s skin under her own fingers from her dream. Spencer changed into a short jean skirt and a teal tank top which managed to make her blue eyes stand out even more. The blonde stood directly in front of Ashley and turned around for her to see all sides of the outfit.


    “How do I look?” She asked biting her bottom lip. Ashley wanted to jump up and tear off the clothes she had just put on but she just remained silent for a moment. Spencer looked fabulous. Ashley ignored the ache in between her legs and managed to get her thoughts under control.


    “You look great Spence really. I mean if I was gay, I’d do you…oh wait!” Ashley teased.


    “I’ve never even been to a gay club before. You said we’re meeting her there right? I can’t believe you agreed to just meet someone randomly off of myspace. What if she doesn’t even show?” Spencer seemed really excited and nervous. She was almost bouncing off the walls and thankfully Ashley had fed her the myspace cover story so she could just randomly pick out whoever she wanted. Holding her hands out in front of her, she made a dramatic help me up face. The moment their hands touched Ashley’s body burned with anticipation and it took every single bit of control she had not to kiss Spencer right then and if she wasn’t mistaken Spencer looked as if she felt it too. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Spencer looked panicked and Ashley felt her stomach drop.

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    1. I agree with all of the above comments. Why does Aiden ruin everything?? Ashley is about to break his heart again by taking Spencer away from him. Good! PMS!

    2. I agree with all of the above comments. Why does Aiden ruin everything?? Ashley is about to break his heart again by taking Spencer away from him. Good! PMS!

    3. hey guys I just wanted to apologize about the kiss… I ended up cutting it. But keep reading because the sparks that fly are going to be worth it.

    4. hey guys I just wanted to apologize about the kiss… I ended up cutting it. But keep reading because the sparks that fly are going to be worth it.

    5. I just found this story today and I love it so far. LMFAO Kristen is an idiot, but that makes her funny. I couldn’t stop laughing when she thought spence and ash were trying to scare her.

    6. I just found this story today and I love it so far. LMFAO Kristen is an idiot, but that makes her funny. I couldn’t stop laughing when she thought spence and ash were trying to scare her.

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