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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: I’ll take you to heaven)



    “Spencer! Babe are you in there?” Aiden’s deep rich voice filled Ashley’s ears and dread filled her stomach. She felt Spencer behind her and then swiftly Spencer’s arms were around her waist and had pulled her into the closet. She had her hand over Ashley’s mouth and Ashley’s hands were on Spencer’s arm. The door opened and he stepped into the room. Spencer’s arm tightened around Ashley’s waist protectively and Ashley could feel her whole body tensing against her own. She wondered if Spencer could feel her heart beating against her chest.


    “Spencer? I just came to grab my lucky shorts, if your in the bathroom flush twice,” He laughed at his own amazing wit and walked right in front of the closet. Both girls’ hearts stopped.


    Aiden could still smell her spicy perfume in the room and he was disappointed that he had missed her. He spotted his shorts folded up on the back of her desk chair and threw them over his shoulder. Scrawling a note on some of her printer paper, he left it on her desk and with one final glance around the “empty” room he exited. Ashley moved to get out of the closet but Spencer held her tight.



    “He uhhh may come back in a second we need to wait for just a minute,” she whispered urgently and Ashley felt a grin break out across her face. Spencer’s face was so close to her own and she turned just enough so that they were eye to eye. Even in the dark Spencer’s eyes were stunning. Spencer inched forward bringing their lips only centimeters apart. Ashley’s heart pounded so hard she thought it might come out of chest all together. Spencer’s hand was on Ashley’s cheek and she smiled at her through the dimness of the closet. It’s really going to happen. Spencer is going to kiss me right here. Oh my god don’t think Davies just do it. Let her be the one to kiss you. Let her be the one…


    “Ashley, I…” Spencer’s voice was husky and Ashley could feel her heart beating into her back.  “I want this… I want…”


    The door swung open and light streamed in over both of them. Horror flew through Ashley’s body as she anticipated Aiden’s reaction to seeing her. As her eyes adjusted to the light she stared up into the shocked eyes of Kristen.

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    1. I agree with all of the above comments. Why does Aiden ruin everything?? Ashley is about to break his heart again by taking Spencer away from him. Good! PMS!

    2. I agree with all of the above comments. Why does Aiden ruin everything?? Ashley is about to break his heart again by taking Spencer away from him. Good! PMS!

    3. hey guys I just wanted to apologize about the kiss… I ended up cutting it. But keep reading because the sparks that fly are going to be worth it.

    4. hey guys I just wanted to apologize about the kiss… I ended up cutting it. But keep reading because the sparks that fly are going to be worth it.

    5. I just found this story today and I love it so far. LMFAO Kristen is an idiot, but that makes her funny. I couldn’t stop laughing when she thought spence and ash were trying to scare her.

    6. I just found this story today and I love it so far. LMFAO Kristen is an idiot, but that makes her funny. I couldn’t stop laughing when she thought spence and ash were trying to scare her.

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