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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: I’ll take you to heaven)


    “Well well well, what do I have here girls? Girls in the closet? Obviously hiding from something or someone….” Kristen trailed off as she looked at both of them with a wicked twinkle in her eyes.


    “Kris It is NOT what it looks like I swear,” started Spencer. Great. Now she’s going to freak out and never want to talk to you again. Good job Davies, way to follow your pants instead of your brain!! The girls tumbled out of the closet untangling their limbs and standing up right next to each other heads down looking very guilty.



    “Oh I think I like now exactly what is going on. You two aren’t foolin me one damn bit,” fuck fuck fuck we are so, “You guys were like totally hiding in the closet trying to scare me!!” Incredibly lucky! Ashley couldn’t believe her luck. She had never been more thankful for ditsy people in the world before. Ash glanced at Spencer who seemed to be breathing a sigh of relief. Spencer smiled radiantly back at her and Ashley felt her heart lurch in her chest.



    “Yeah okay so you caught us Kristen. Oops. I guess we just weren’t sneaky enough for you, smarty pants,” Ashley grinned as she heard the sarcasm drip out of Spencer’s mouth. Spencer jerked her head towards the door and Ashley started to move toward it.


    “So sorry to just see you for a minute Kristen but Spencer and I have to go out and do the whole newspaper thing but it was good to see you and I’ll get you next time okay?”


    “Mm okay. You girls are so much fun. I like love you two! Bye!!” Spencer followed Ashley out into the hall and they waited until they were outside the dorm to collapse on each other in laughter. It was still warm out even though it was 10:30 and there was a slight breeze that blew a tendril of golden hair into Spencer’s face. Ashley took the opportunity to brush it behind her ear and Spencer’s hand came up to rest upon Ashley’s. They brought their foreheads together and just as Ashley was about to make a move Spencer spoke up.


    “Ashley. I can’t. I’m not or I don’t think I am and I have a boyfriend and there are a thousand reasons that I shouldn’t be doing this right now. I want to. I want to know what it’s like but now is not the time.” Ashley felt her heart sink into the spikes of her heels and brushed the feeling off immediately.



    “It’s okay. I understand. It’s no big deal,” she shrugged her shoulders as if that proved that she was going to be fine about the whole situation. She forced a smile and thumped Spencer on the arm. “First one to my convertible gets to drive!”



    The girls took off into the night laughing and pushing each other in an effort to get to car first. Ashley managed to trump Spencer but only by a few millimeters and Spencer protested that she had cheated. Ashley stepped forward and gave her friend a hug glad that they had met and was looking forward to going to the club. Who knew what kind of things would happen tonight? All she knew was that she was ready for anything and things were definitely heating up between her and Spencer no matter how much they both denied it.  They managed to break the hug and get situated in Ashley’s black convertible. Ash put the top back as Spencer raised her arms into the air and waved her hands back and forth.




    Then they were gone as quickly as they had been there, their hair whipping in the wind and their laughter carrying on the wind all the way back to campus. Out of the shadows Aiden Dennison stepped from behind a large bush. So Ashley Davies was back. His anger radiated off of his body and he wrung his hands around his lucky shorts. Well this time he wasn’t going to let Ashley sabotage another good relationship. Suddenly he had an idea and a smirk spread across his chiseled face.


    “Oh Ashley you’re going to regret ever messing with my girlfriend,” and with that statement he swiftly jogged away towards his X-terra.






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    1. I agree with all of the above comments. Why does Aiden ruin everything?? Ashley is about to break his heart again by taking Spencer away from him. Good! PMS!

    2. I agree with all of the above comments. Why does Aiden ruin everything?? Ashley is about to break his heart again by taking Spencer away from him. Good! PMS!

    3. hey guys I just wanted to apologize about the kiss… I ended up cutting it. But keep reading because the sparks that fly are going to be worth it.

    4. hey guys I just wanted to apologize about the kiss… I ended up cutting it. But keep reading because the sparks that fly are going to be worth it.

    5. I just found this story today and I love it so far. LMFAO Kristen is an idiot, but that makes her funny. I couldn’t stop laughing when she thought spence and ash were trying to scare her.

    6. I just found this story today and I love it so far. LMFAO Kristen is an idiot, but that makes her funny. I couldn’t stop laughing when she thought spence and ash were trying to scare her.

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