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    From a Whisper to a Scream – (Chapter: Listless Lushes)

        He offered a sheepish, “Sorry” and wandered back into the crowd.

        “I’m sorry, Spencer.  But hey, we have lots of healing alcohol right in the kitchen,” Aiden attempted. 

        “Yeah, I’m sorry too.  Come on.  Let’s go get your mind off of this,” Kyla said while attempting to drag Spencer away from her beloved wall.

        “Uh actually, I need to go to the bathroom, so I’ll just find you guys after,” Spencer says while retracting her arm from Kyla’s grasp.  “Really, I know where the bathroom is now.  I’ll only be a sec.”

        Spencer walked in the direction of the bathroom, while she watched Kyla and Aiden disappear into the kitchen.  She stopped and sighed leaning up against a different patch of her wall.  From there she watched the bobbing heads and drunken bodies flailing about in rhythm to the band, which she actually thought was pretty decent—the band, not the flailing and bobbing.  She was contemplating her exit, when she heard a soothing sound.  She felt her body relax a little as it got closer.  wow.. relaxing.. that’s different

        “So, where’s your safety date?”  Spencer saw her out of the corner of her eye before she slowly turned her head.   

        “Excuse me?”

        “You know.  Tall, dark, handsome guy goes by the name of Keith,” Ashley responded.


        “Exactly. Him.  Where is he?”  Ashley asked while taking a sip from her alcopop.

        “Not here.”  Spencer responded so quietly that she saw Ashley lean toward her straining to hear.  PEOPLE, STOP ASKING ME THIS!!

        “What?”  Ashley asked again.

        “I said NOT HERE!”  Spencer responded loudly.  In fact, she responded so loudly, that she noticed people turning to look at her.  Oh wonderful, the band picks now to stop playing.  NOW?

        Spencer looked back at Ashley to see her look at her.  What is that look?  Concern?  Yeah right. 

        “I wish I had worn my Kevin-didn’t-come-to-this-party-so-stop-asking-me-where-he-is shirt,” Spencer muttered to herself.  When Ashley started chuckling, Spencer grimaced.  Oh, so you can’t hear me when I’m talking directly to you, but you can hear me when I’m talking to myself.  Perfect. 

         “Come on.  You look like you could use a drink.”  Ashley took Spencer by the hand and led her into the same kitchen she had worked so hard to avoid.   Oh sure. Booze mixed with brooding.  Why not?


    1. adskl;jgasd. i loved it! too cute, really. makes me want to throw up a little. but in a good way, don’t worry. haha annyyways. i’ll just have to wait til the next one, won’t i?

    2. OMG! I love you! i lovelovelove you!!! How did you learn to write this well? HOW? You are so amazing, you’re making me cry. OMG. Ilove yo so much! SOSOSOSO MUCH! This is the best story ever. how do you do it? how do you make it so that they are all in the most amazing situations? Like Spencer in Ashley’s room. It’s ridiculous and I am forever yours since you do that to me.

    3. too cute, too cute, too cute! “Spencer rouses slightly and takes Ashley’s hand as her new pillow” – loved it. thats like the fluffiest most cutest thing EVER. And how can you leave it here? I’m hanging on to sanity by a thread in eager anticipation of your next post! Keep up the good work :) !!

    4. adskl;jgasd. i loved it! too cute, really. makes me want to throw up a little. but in a good way, don’t worry. haha annyyways. i’ll just have to wait til the next one, won’t i?

    5. OMG! I love you! i lovelovelove you!!! How did you learn to write this well? HOW? You are so amazing, you’re making me cry. OMG. Ilove yo so much! SOSOSOSO MUCH! This is the best story ever. how do you do it? how do you make it so that they are all in the most amazing situations? Like Spencer in Ashley’s room. It’s ridiculous and I am forever yours since you do that to me.

    6. too cute, too cute, too cute! “Spencer rouses slightly and takes Ashley’s hand as her new pillow” – loved it. thats like the fluffiest most cutest thing EVER. And how can you leave it here? I’m hanging on to sanity by a thread in eager anticipation of your next post! Keep up the good work :) !!

    7. I so want to say goodbye to the great boyfriend. I so see why she can’t say it to him ,but he needs the boot. send him away please. no need for it to be bad or any thing, just him catching the two in the act of a kiss. hehehe like I said nothing bad.

    8. I so want to say goodbye to the great boyfriend. I so see why she can’t say it to him ,but he needs the boot. send him away please. no need for it to be bad or any thing, just him catching the two in the act of a kiss. hehehe like I said nothing bad.

    9. This chapter was really funny. Especially Ashley comment about keeping people out her mom’s bed so they won’t catch STD’s. That was so funny. Kyla and Spencer bonding and staring at the banana hammock was funny, too. I’m loving this story.

    10. This chapter was really funny. Especially Ashley comment about keeping people out her mom’s bed so they won’t catch STD’s. That was so funny. Kyla and Spencer bonding and staring at the banana hammock was funny, too. I’m loving this story.

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