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    From a Whisper to a Scream – (Chapter: Listless Lushes)

        Ten minutes later, Spencer found herself sitting on a barstool in the wonderfully large kitchen that the scary mansion included sharing a shot of Petrone with Kyla.  With Kyla… Because surprisingly Miss Davies has disappeared again.  Ashley had been summoned to help with a vomit situation, and Aiden had gone outside so hear could hear his phone, leaving Spencer with Kyla.

        “You know, people say she’s not a bitch once you get to know her.  Well, people being Aiden.  Aiden says this.  But you wanna know something about Aiden?”  Kyla was slurring as she spoke to Spencer from the next barstool.  Wow, how long did I leave them in here? 

        “Um, sure.  What about Aiden?”

        “He’s completely wrong.  She is one hell of a bitch.  A total bitch.”  Kyla giggles before continuing, “and I don’t care anymore.  If Ashley Davies wants to hate my guts, then she can go right on ahead hating them cause I don’t care.  DO NOT care.”  Spencer had finished three shots before Kyla finished her rant.  She glanced over at Kyla’s shot glass and filled it for her friend.

        “Well, you know what bothers me about her?”  Spencer asked while staring at the shot glass.

        “What’s that?  Her incessant need to be the complete center of the universe?”  Kyla offered before tapping her shot glass to Spencer’s and throwing its contents down her throat.

        Spencer recovered from the burn of her own shot before she continued with her dialogue.  "Nothing.”

        Kyla stops pouring shots and turns to look at Spencer with a you’ve got to be kidding look.

        “And that’s what bothers me about her,” Spencer finished her sentence and then finished another shot.

        Kyla, who was still holding the Petrone bottle, filled Spencer’s glass again and continued to stare at her with that look.  That’s right. There’s something seriously wrong with me. 

        “Huh,” Kyla made a sound.  Was that a grunt?  Did she grunt at me?

        “Don’t get me wrong.  She’s crazy.  I know that.  I do, and her mood swings.  Oh My God!  But that’s just her right?”  Spencer continued to ramble as she drank her Petrone, which was starting to taste a lot like water.


    1. adskl;jgasd. i loved it! too cute, really. makes me want to throw up a little. but in a good way, don’t worry. haha annyyways. i’ll just have to wait til the next one, won’t i?

    2. OMG! I love you! i lovelovelove you!!! How did you learn to write this well? HOW? You are so amazing, you’re making me cry. OMG. Ilove yo so much! SOSOSOSO MUCH! This is the best story ever. how do you do it? how do you make it so that they are all in the most amazing situations? Like Spencer in Ashley’s room. It’s ridiculous and I am forever yours since you do that to me.

    3. too cute, too cute, too cute! “Spencer rouses slightly and takes Ashley’s hand as her new pillow” – loved it. thats like the fluffiest most cutest thing EVER. And how can you leave it here? I’m hanging on to sanity by a thread in eager anticipation of your next post! Keep up the good work :) !!

    4. adskl;jgasd. i loved it! too cute, really. makes me want to throw up a little. but in a good way, don’t worry. haha annyyways. i’ll just have to wait til the next one, won’t i?

    5. OMG! I love you! i lovelovelove you!!! How did you learn to write this well? HOW? You are so amazing, you’re making me cry. OMG. Ilove yo so much! SOSOSOSO MUCH! This is the best story ever. how do you do it? how do you make it so that they are all in the most amazing situations? Like Spencer in Ashley’s room. It’s ridiculous and I am forever yours since you do that to me.

    6. too cute, too cute, too cute! “Spencer rouses slightly and takes Ashley’s hand as her new pillow” – loved it. thats like the fluffiest most cutest thing EVER. And how can you leave it here? I’m hanging on to sanity by a thread in eager anticipation of your next post! Keep up the good work :) !!

    7. I so want to say goodbye to the great boyfriend. I so see why she can’t say it to him ,but he needs the boot. send him away please. no need for it to be bad or any thing, just him catching the two in the act of a kiss. hehehe like I said nothing bad.

    8. I so want to say goodbye to the great boyfriend. I so see why she can’t say it to him ,but he needs the boot. send him away please. no need for it to be bad or any thing, just him catching the two in the act of a kiss. hehehe like I said nothing bad.

    9. This chapter was really funny. Especially Ashley comment about keeping people out her mom’s bed so they won’t catch STD’s. That was so funny. Kyla and Spencer bonding and staring at the banana hammock was funny, too. I’m loving this story.

    10. This chapter was really funny. Especially Ashley comment about keeping people out her mom’s bed so they won’t catch STD’s. That was so funny. Kyla and Spencer bonding and staring at the banana hammock was funny, too. I’m loving this story.

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