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    From a Whisper to a Scream – (Chapter: Listless Lushes)


       Ashley came around the corner quickly, and ran into Aiden, who was coming out of the bathroom on his cell phone.  He saw her and said goodbye to whomever he was speaking before closing it.

        “What’s with the stall call?” Ashley asked him.

        “Nothing, just got a birthday call from a friend.  Hey, I can’t help it if my phone rings when I’m in the bathroom.”

        “Who was it?”

        “Kevin.  You know, Spencer’s boyfriend,” Aiden replied as he started looking around at his guests.  Right.. boyfriend.. perfect guy.. how could I forget? 

        “You mean ex-boyfriend,” Ashley corrected him as she leaned against the wall opposite him.

        “They didn’t break up,” Aiden said shaking his head, “According to him, they’re just taking some space.  They’re not going to break up ‘cause they’re like the perfect couple, and he’s definitely one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met.” Awesome!

        “Hmmm, sounds like all of that fauxmo shit isn’t as fake as we all thought it was.  Sounds like you have a little crush,” Ashley teased him while poking at his sides and laughing.

        “Oh, shut up, Ashley.  Get off the whole Aiden’s gay thing.”

        Ashley stopped poking and stared down the hall toward the kitchen.  She had left Spencer in there.  I wonder what she’s up to?  Probably left, knowing my luck.  Stupid drunks vomiting all over my fucking house.

        “So, where’s your little love bunny?  Leave her in the bathroom on her knees?”  Ashley asked turning back to Aiden.

        “Uh, no,” Aiden responded, while Ashley searched his expression.  “Last I saw her, she was in the kitchen.”  He looked down at his watch while he said this.  “Oh, shit!  It’s been like two hours.”

        “What have you been doing?”

        “What have you been doing?”

        “Cleaning up vomit and fighting off drunk guys while trying to make sure that nobody sleeps in my mother’s bed cause I don’t want anyone to catch horrible diseases for her sheets.  What have you been doing?” Ashley answers matter-of-factly.

        “Well, I got a phone call.  Then I had to pee.  Then Madison pulled me out on the dance floor.  Then Glen started a fight with me. Then I had to pee again.  Got another phone call.  And ran into you so that I could have this lovely conversation,” Aiden explained.

        “Madison, ew, gross,” Ashley said while making a face.  “Come on.”  She grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the kitchen.

        When they arrived, the sight in front of them was quite comical.  Kyla had fallen asleep hugging the Petrone bottle, and Spencer was laying with her face directly on the countertop.  What …the…hell?

        “Woah,” Aiden and Ashley said simultaneously.

        “What the hell did you do to her?” Ashley asked staring at Aiden.

        “Me?  You were with Spencer before this happened.  What did you do to her?”

        “Okay, clearly that is about the whole ex-boyfriend thing.”

        “Current boyfriend,” Aiden corrected her yet again.


        “Well, I guess I should get Kyla to her room,” Aiden offers.


        “What about Spencer?  I don’t know for sure, but I think Glen is already gone, and Clay took Chelsea home about an hour ago,” Aiden said as he tried to pry the tequila bottle from his girlfriend’s hands.

        “Well.  She can sleep in my room,” Ashley offered.  Aiden stopped and looked at her questioningly raising his eyebrows.  “Oh, shut up.  I have a couch in there.  She can sleep on that.  You’re such a perv.”  She rolled her eyes at him as he picked Kyla up.

        “Yeah, I’m the perv.  Keep telling yourself that,” Aiden responded as he carried Kyla out of the room.

        Ashley sat down on the stool next to Spencer and lightly brushed the hair out of her face.  God, you’re so beautiful.  She tries to more her head a little so that her face isn’t laying directly on the surface of the counter, and Spencer rouses slightly and takes Ashley’s hand as her new pillow.  Ashley just smiled and watched her sleep, while waiting for Aiden to return and carry her to bed.  So beautiful.


    1. adskl;jgasd. i loved it! too cute, really. makes me want to throw up a little. but in a good way, don’t worry. haha annyyways. i’ll just have to wait til the next one, won’t i?

    2. OMG! I love you! i lovelovelove you!!! How did you learn to write this well? HOW? You are so amazing, you’re making me cry. OMG. Ilove yo so much! SOSOSOSO MUCH! This is the best story ever. how do you do it? how do you make it so that they are all in the most amazing situations? Like Spencer in Ashley’s room. It’s ridiculous and I am forever yours since you do that to me.

    3. too cute, too cute, too cute! “Spencer rouses slightly and takes Ashley’s hand as her new pillow” – loved it. thats like the fluffiest most cutest thing EVER. And how can you leave it here? I’m hanging on to sanity by a thread in eager anticipation of your next post! Keep up the good work :) !!

    4. adskl;jgasd. i loved it! too cute, really. makes me want to throw up a little. but in a good way, don’t worry. haha annyyways. i’ll just have to wait til the next one, won’t i?

    5. OMG! I love you! i lovelovelove you!!! How did you learn to write this well? HOW? You are so amazing, you’re making me cry. OMG. Ilove yo so much! SOSOSOSO MUCH! This is the best story ever. how do you do it? how do you make it so that they are all in the most amazing situations? Like Spencer in Ashley’s room. It’s ridiculous and I am forever yours since you do that to me.

    6. too cute, too cute, too cute! “Spencer rouses slightly and takes Ashley’s hand as her new pillow” – loved it. thats like the fluffiest most cutest thing EVER. And how can you leave it here? I’m hanging on to sanity by a thread in eager anticipation of your next post! Keep up the good work :) !!

    7. I so want to say goodbye to the great boyfriend. I so see why she can’t say it to him ,but he needs the boot. send him away please. no need for it to be bad or any thing, just him catching the two in the act of a kiss. hehehe like I said nothing bad.

    8. I so want to say goodbye to the great boyfriend. I so see why she can’t say it to him ,but he needs the boot. send him away please. no need for it to be bad or any thing, just him catching the two in the act of a kiss. hehehe like I said nothing bad.

    9. This chapter was really funny. Especially Ashley comment about keeping people out her mom’s bed so they won’t catch STD’s. That was so funny. Kyla and Spencer bonding and staring at the banana hammock was funny, too. I’m loving this story.

    10. This chapter was really funny. Especially Ashley comment about keeping people out her mom’s bed so they won’t catch STD’s. That was so funny. Kyla and Spencer bonding and staring at the banana hammock was funny, too. I’m loving this story.

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