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    Grow Old With Me – (Chapter: Til Kingdom Come)

    After a class-wide discussion on the song, and another Janis song she played, she switched gears.

    “Alright so I guess I’ll open up the floor to any questions you guys have. Anything at all… I’m feeling pretty truthful right now,” she said, laughing along with the rest of the class as she finished her coffee. “But for your own sake, remember your teacher’s here. Don’t ask anything too embarrassing.” Instantly, dozens of hands shot up. She started in the front and went back from there; the questions ranged from intensely musical to ridiculously personal.

    “What’s your relationship like with your dad?” one girl, who I didn’t even think was in the class, asked. I could easily see how uneasy the question made Ashley but I doubted anyone else noticed.

    “Um, well, I don’t really have one with him anymore, to be honest. My parents divorced when I was nine and with the exception of the few months I spent on tour with him, I’ve probably seen him about 5 times since I was thirteen. So, uh, yeah, we’re not really close,” she answered. After about six or seven uneventful questions, someone in the back row decided to get personal again.

    “How long have you and her been going out?” some jock-type guy asked, pointing at me before almost everyone in the class turned to look at me. Talk about awkward. Ash laughed and glanced at me to make sure I didn’t care, which I didn’t, before answering.

    “Almost 15 months,” she smiled at me and I did the same. “We go all the way back to high school though.” If this situation had taken place a year ago, I would probably have had a panic attack right there in my seat, and not just because 3 months doesn’t sound as good as 15. But it barely phased me. I was fine with it.

    More questions were asked and answered, none that important or relevant. “Alright, so I guess we have just enough time for me to play something.” She took her guitar out and strummed a few notes. “I started writing this song, like, 5 years ago and then I kind of forgot about it for awhile. But I found it a few days ago and finished it yesterday. So consider yourselves lucky, ‘cause you’re the first to hear it.”


    1. I just LOVE your story Koz. I think that they are wonderful chapters and I am so glad that Spencer and Ashley are doing okay now. I just hope that her mom gets better and that everyone at school, doesn’t start to be Spencer friends so that they can see Ashley in person. Take care Koz and I can’t wait to read the next chapter.

    2. Okay, let me run to the grocery store and get some canned goods and water for the impending shit storm that is about to ensue. Another excellent chapter, Kozmic! Please hook a sista’ up with another chapter soon.

    3. I just LOVE your story Koz. I think that they are wonderful chapters and I am so glad that Spencer and Ashley are doing okay now. I just hope that her mom gets better and that everyone at school, doesn’t start to be Spencer friends so that they can see Ashley in person. Take care Koz and I can’t wait to read the next chapter.

    4. Okay, let me run to the grocery store and get some canned goods and water for the impending shit storm that is about to ensue. Another excellent chapter, Kozmic! Please hook a sista’ up with another chapter soon.

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