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    Past Revisited – (Chapter: 14-Will You?)


    “So, Ashley, are you single.”


    I answered quickly and truthfully, “No.”


    “Do you have a boyfriend?”


    I smiled, “No.”


    The host gave me a questioning look, “But you just said that you’re not single.”


    I then realized that the questions that he was asking me weren’t any of the one’s that we had practiced earlier in the day, “I’m not single. But I don’t have a boyfriend either.”


    He blushed and then sent out a small smirk, “Alright, I got ya. So, did you influence Kelly’s video at all? I was just wondering since the girl in the video looks a lot like you.”


    “Umm…I guess I did have a little bit of influence on it. But I was never told what the video was going to be about. Kelly just called me, and here I am.”


    “Alright, time to get very personal. Did something happen between you and Kelly?”


    I looked over at her. She was smiling and I was praying that Spencer wasn’t watching TV right now, “Yes. But it was a small thing…nothing…nothing big. I have a girlfriend and the last thing that I would ever want to do is lose her.”


    “Does she know about it?”


    “Yes, actually I told her about it. She was a little pissed at first. But she knows that I love her.”


    “Would you be willing to do it again?”


    “Sorry, no. Like I said I have a girlfriend and I love her very much.”


    Finally the buzzer went off and the sixty seconds were up. Thank god. I passed by Kelly as she went up to take her turn. But I decided not to stay. This was no place for me. I fought past many crew members and fans and I walked out the doors and straight to the airport. I had to get home to Spencer. I had to make sure that she knew it all meant nothing and that she meant everything.


    My flight landed four and a half hours later. I quickly got a cab and told him to floor it. I had to get home as soon as possible. But just as he was about to get on the highway I told him to turn around and take me to the closest jewelry store. I never thought that I’d be doing such a thing so soon, but it felt right.

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    1. Great update! I always look forward to this story. What’s up with Kelly? LOL. I thought the whole video scenes were great…Can’t wait until the next. I hope Spencer doesn’t get mad at Ashley about the video when Kelly was sooo exaggerating…Love it!

    2. Great update! I always look forward to this story. What’s up with Kelly? LOL. I thought the whole video scenes were great…Can’t wait until the next. I hope Spencer doesn’t get mad at Ashley about the video when Kelly was sooo exaggerating…Love it!

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