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    Past Revisited – (Chapter: 14-Will You?)


    As I walked into Andrew’s Jewelers I told the sales woman that I wanted the biggest diamond that she had in the store. She didn’t know who I was until a younger man came up and filled in the blanks. Finally after an identity check and a credit check they allowed me into the maximum security room in the very back of the store. I was able to see every single variation of diamond you could think of, from four karats to eight. When I spotted the eight karat it seemed just a little too flashy for Spencer. I asked the woman for a six karat. The moment that I spotted it I knew that it would fit her perfectly.


    I bought the ring and got back in the cab. The cab driver almost seemed as excited as I was. I opened the red velvet box and stared down at the diamond, securely held in a pure silver band.  I imagined what our wedding would be like. I prayed that Spencer would say yes after what had happened on TRL. My heart fluttered a little more with each thought of the future. Anticipation was setting in.


    When the cab driver pulled up to the house I paid him his fair and thanked him for being so patient. He gave me a genuine smile and wished me good luck. I rushed out of the cab, practically running to the front door. I looked down at the door knob, and I remembered the first day that I came back into her life. I remembered how much I dreaded ringing the doorbell and seeing her face again. But now none of it mattered. The only thing that mattered was the fact that I held a ring in my jacket pocket that would hold us together for the rest of our lives.


    I turned the knob and pushed open the door. I walked in but the house seemed to be empty, “Spencer? Spence, you here?”


    There was no answer. I walked through the house and outside. Then I heard the splashing in the pool. I saw her dive under. I knew this would be as best of a time as any to surprise her. I walked to the other end of the pool where I knew that she’d be surfacing soon. I pulled the ring out of my jacket pocket and lowered myself down on one knee to come face to face with her when she broke through the surface. I watched her swim and it felt so right. Everything in my life felt perfectly in place and nothing was going to change that fact.


    She slowly made her way to the surface and I opened the ring box, holding it down, closer to the surface. Her eyes were closed and she swept her wet hair back with her hands. She grabbed the side of the pool to hold herself up since it was the deep end. A nose-scrunching smile spread across my face. She finally opened her eyes to notice me, “Ashley? You’re home.”


    I smiled and brought the ring up a little to make her notice it, “Yeah, I’m home.”


    The diamond seemed to sparkle brighter than it ever did before when Spencer saw it. Her jaw dropped and she gave me a look that asked if I was serious.


    “Spencer Carlin, will you be my wife?”


    She began to tear up. She just kept looking at me and back down at the ring. The muscles holding up her smile seemed to be stronger than ever before, “Ash, oh my god.”


    “Is that a yes?” I scrunched my nose a little more.


    Without another word spoken she jumped out of the pool, pulling me in fully clothed and the ring in my hand. I instinctively wrapped my arms around her waist and her arms were wrapped around my neck. Her kiss was direct and aggressive. I did nothing but bask in the feeling of her full and lovely lips on my own. We were about to go under when I grabbed the side of the pool with one of my hands, holding us up from drowning.


    Spencer finally pulled away from me, looking me in the eyes, “Yes.”


    I kissed her again, “Mmm, I’ve missed you.”



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    1. Great update! I always look forward to this story. What’s up with Kelly? LOL. I thought the whole video scenes were great…Can’t wait until the next. I hope Spencer doesn’t get mad at Ashley about the video when Kelly was sooo exaggerating…Love it!

    2. Great update! I always look forward to this story. What’s up with Kelly? LOL. I thought the whole video scenes were great…Can’t wait until the next. I hope Spencer doesn’t get mad at Ashley about the video when Kelly was sooo exaggerating…Love it!

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