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    Possible Side Effects May Include…(Numero Dos)


    “No,” Ashley said, stilling Spencer’s hips with her hands, “I want to watch you.”  Hearing her say this made Spencer even wetter, aching with need.  The older girl slowly moved Spencer’s hand back to her center, as she began grinding into her leg.


    Spencer began thrusting her fingers in an out of herself, her eyes never leaving Ashley, who continued to hump Spencer’s leg, leaving a wet trail.  Watching Ashley watch her only turned Spencer on even more, and she felt herself already very close to having an orgasm.  “Fuck…Ash I’m so close,” she moaned.  “Come with me,” Ashley said, as she leaned down and began tugging on Spencer’s engorged nub. “Shit…Oh god…Ash….FUCK!” Spencer said as she came, arching her back and thrusting her leg into the other girl, bringing her over the edge, too.


    After both girls had come back down, Ashley laid down on top of Spencer, kissing her lovingly.  “Spence,” she breathed “That was….”


    “Amazing….I know,” Spencer said, completing the thought. “But…”


    “Ughh…but!” Ashley groaned, rolling off of Spencer and putting her arm over her eyes.  “But what Spencer!” She said, growing slightly annoyed, this wasn’t exactly her idea of ‘pillow talk.’


    “Ash, I just…I just don’t know what this means,” Spencer said, staring at the ceiling. 


    Ashley shifted, lying on her side against the other girl. “Well,” she said softly, “What do you want it to mean?”


    Before Spencer had time to answer, Ashley continued. “Because I know what I want it to mean.  That you still love me and that you never stopped. And that you still want me and need me just as much as I need you. And that you’ll give me one more chance, because I promise it’s the last one that I’ll ever need.” 


    “Ashley I…” Spencer began.


    “NO! Let me finish. I love you Spencer,” she said, looking into her eyes. “I never stopped and I never will, I couldn’t if I tried, but I can’t stay ‘just friends’ with you anymore because we both know it was always more than that. So I need to know, right now, what do you want?”


    “I want,” Spencer began, “You. Because I still love you and I never stopped and I still want and need you, more than you know.  And even if I had to give you a thousand more chances, I always would, because I couldn’t stop loving you, even if I tried.”  Then she leaned over and planted a heated kiss on Ashley’s lips. 

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