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    Possible Side Effects May Include…(Numero Tres)


    “Neck hurt?” Spencer asked.


    Yeah,” Ashley grinned slyly, “I think I might have twisted it or something during our little sexcapade earlier.”


    Spencer chuckled, and then her face grew flusher. “You want me to give you a neck rub?”


    Spencer Carlin you are way too easy, she thought. Out loud, she said “Aw would you? That’d be great. Thanks Spence.” Ashley moved across the hot tub so she was sitting in between Spencer’s legs, with her back facing the girl.  She scooted in closer, and placed her hands on the blonde’s thighs, grinning as she heard Spencer’s breathing pick up.


    Spencer began to rub Ashley’s neck, kneading the soft skin with her hands, loving how smooth it was.  She also loved how vocal the brunette was being, “Ohh Spence, that feels soooo good,” she moaned.  It was hard for Ashley to keep from laughing, sure it felt good, but nowhere near as great as she was making it sound, that was just for Spencer’s listening pleasure.


    Time for phase two, thought Ashley. “Hang on a sec,” she said, and reaching around, she undid the tie on her top, taking if off and throwing it somewhere. “It was getting itchy,” she explained. Spencer let out a barely audible gasp, and Ashley swore she felt the blond trying to clench her thighs together.


    “You ok back there Spence?” She laughed.


    “Y-yeah Ash, I’m um, I’m good.”


    “Ok. Keep going?”  Spencer just nodded.


    As soon as all the tension was gone from Ashley’s neck (there wasn’t much to begin with), Spencer started getting more and more adventurous with her hands, sliding them over Ashley’s shoulders, down the middle of her back, and up her sides, always coming close, but never touching the side’s of the other girl’s breasts.


    Spencer continued this routine, getting more and more turned on by the minute, the combined of effects of the “special lemonade” and being so close to Ashley were driving her insane. God damn it she’s so fucking hot, Spencer thought.


    By now, Ashley was fairly hot and bothered herself, and began groaning in frustration every time Spencer slid her hands up her sides, and then went right to her shoulders, skipping over the place where she wanted them most.

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