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    Possible Side Effects May Include…(Numero Tres)


    And now phase three, she thought, grinning like an evil genius.  This time, when Spencer’s hands were dangerously close to her boobs, Ashley moaned, arching her head back in pleasure which not only caused Spencer’s hands to come in contact with the sides of her breasts, but the brunette also pushed her ass into Spencer’s center, sending shockwaves of pleasure up the girl’s spine.


    “Shit Ashley,” Spencer gasped, thrusting back into Ashley, who then grabbed Spencer’s hands and placed them directly on her breasts, her nipples poking into the blonde’s palms. “Spence that feels so good.” Ashley moaned.


    Spencer continued to knead the older girl’s breasts, rolling the nipples between her thumb and forefingers.  Ashley continued to grind into Spencer, both girls growing wetter with each passing moment.


    Finally, Spencer couldn’t take anymore.  “Ash….please,” She gasped, “I need you.”  Ashley turned around, capturing the blonde’s lips with her own, sucking on the bottom one as she slipped her tongue into her girlfriend’s mouth.  Spencer moaned into the kiss, as Ashley reached around and undid Spencer’s top.


    Ashley began to massage Spencer’s breasts, her nipples becoming even harder under the girl’s touch.  She then straddled the younger girl’s thigh, slipping her own between Spencer’s, and began grinding into her.  Then, Ashley removed Spencer’s bottom, and let her hand travel to the girl’s center, cupping her mound. Groaning at the contact, Spencer thrust her hips into Ashley’s hand, trying to get something more than what the girl was giving her.


    “Someone’s eager tonight, huh Spence?” Ashley teased. Spencer merely opened her eyes, sending Ashley a look that said both I love you and I will kill you if you don’t stop teasing me. “Enough said,” Ashley muttered, and grabbed Spencer around the waist, moving her over to one of the jets.  She positioned Spencer so that the powerful stream of water was directly hitting her clit, and then thrust two fingers deep inside her. 


    “Oh my God Ash…yeah…just like that…don’t stop,” Spencer gasped, her head thrown back in pleasure.  Ashley continued to grind into Spencer’s thigh, thrusting in time with her own fingers. 


    Spencer pulled Ashley in for a searing kiss, breaking apart only to say “Ash…more…pl-please.”  The brunette removed her two fingers from her girlfriend’s hot core, only to replace them with three.  Unable to continue the kiss, Spencer sat on the bench in the hot tub, arching her back, gasping into Ashley’s mouth, her panting growing louder with each thrust of her fingers.

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