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    Possible Side Effects May Include…(Numero Tres)


    “F-fuck…Ash ….I’m so cl-close…Oh g-god… uuh,” Spencer moaned, having trouble forming coherent sentences.  Ashley could feel her walls starting to contract, and slammed her hand into Spencer one last time, curling her fingers and hitting her g-spot.

    “OH FUUCKK….ASHLEEYYY!!” Spencer screamed into the brunette’s mouth, her toes curling, body going completely rigid. 


    Ashley waited until Spencer’s breathing returned to normal before removing her fingers and kissing her passionately, massaging the blonde’s tongue with her own.


    “Ashley,” Spencer finally said, “I think that was…I mean that…we’ve never…”


    “I know Spence,” Ashley grinned, “I’m completely amazing.”


    “And cocky,” Spencer laughed, playfully swatting Ashley’s arm.


    “Hey is that anyway to treat the girl who just gave you the single best orgasm of you life?! Plus I bruise like a peach!”


    “Aw I’m sorry babe, would this make it better?” Spencer asked, as she began to kiss her way up Ashley’s arm, over to her collarbone.


    “Oh…maybe a little bit,” Ashley said, as the blonde bit down on her pulse point, sending shivers down her spine.


    “Mmhmm…and how about…now?” Whispered Spencer as she took one of Ashley’s nipples into her hot, wet mouth.


    “Y-yeah…ooh I think that’s a lot better,” she moaned, arching her back and unconsciously thrusting her hips into Spencer’s.  She continued to suck on Ashley’s breasts, alternating between sucking, licking and nipping at one while she massaged the other with her hand, rolling the nipple between her fingers.


    “Spencer…please…I need you to…oh god.” Ashley groaned, as Spencer pushed her breasts together, sucking both nipples into her mouth, hard.


    “What was that,” Spencer said, smirking “was there something that you needed?”


    Ashley lifted her head up, and looking her girlfriend in eye she said “Fuck me.”


    Seeing how dark her eyes were and hearing how forcefully she had said that almost made Spencer come again, but she complied with Ashley’s demands, lifting her up onto to edge of the hot tub, so that only up to her knees were in the water. Slipping of her bikini bottoms, Spencer spread Ashley’s legs wide; gasping when she saw how wet and swollen her girlfriend was, her stiff and erect clit was protruding and begging for attention.


    Not wanting to tease her anymore, Spencer licked from Ashley dripping slit all the way up to her clit, sucking it into her mouth while she thrust 3 fingers into her. Ashley threw her head back, using one hand to play with her nipples, the other holding her girlfriend in place.


    “Yeah… Spence…oooh don’t stop…right there oh…God.” She moaned, bucking her hips into Spencer, completely in sync with her thrusts and licks.


    “Shit…I’m so close…ohh…Spenccerrr…I’m gonna…“  Knowing she was close, Spencer sucked hard on Ashley’s clit, and curled her fingers inside her, bringing the girl over the edge.


    ”OH FUCKING….SPENCERR….OOHH” Ashley yelled, her thighs clamping around Spencer’s head as she road out her orgasm.


    Hours later the girls lay in Ashley’s bed, completely spent.


    “I think hot tubs are probably the best thing ever invented,” Spencer giggled, snuggling up to Ashley.


    “Yeah, either that or Viagra,” Ashley muttered




    “Hmm? Oh nothing babe. Let’s try and get some sleep ok? I love you.”


    “Love you too Ash,” Spencer yawned, and quickly fell asleep, her head on Ashley’s chest.


    Ashley kissed the top of Spencer’s head, thinking “Until you know how this drug will affect you, you should not operate heavy machinery, drive a vehicle, or get into a hot tub with your scantily clad girlfriend.  Other possible side effects may occur.”










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