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    Possible Side Effects May Include…

    “What was that?”

    “Um…I said fine…as you wish.”

    “Good. Ok so get dressed and Glen is going to drive you to school, I have to get back to the hospital.”

    “Ok, give Chelsea and the baby a kiss for me.”

    “I will hon.”


    A half hour later Spencer was stepping out of the shower with quite possibly the worst headache she ever had.   I am never not sleeping again, she thought.  Spencer padded down the hall to her parents’ bathroom, hoping that her mom might have something a little stronger than ibuprofen.  Upon opening the medicine cabinet, she was disappointed.  Advil, Motrin Tylenol, blue pills, Aleve….wait what? Blue pills…Spencer vaguely remembered Glen having something like this when he hurt his knee…but why would mom keep them right here?  Oh well, she thought. Pouring the pills into her palm, she looked closely at them.  They were light blue and diamond shaped. Although it did concern her that there wasn’t a label on the bottle, she knew her mother would never keep any kind of dangerous medicine in the house, and the pounding in her head was reminding her of just how much she needed relief.  Shrugging, Spencer popped three into her mouth and chased them with a gulp of water.


     Later that day, Spencer was suffering through long block English Lit. Her headache long forgotten, she now was distracted by a different need, a growing one that settled in between her legs. And as hard as she tried, she could not focus on Beowulf.  What the hell is going on, she thought, I don’t think I’ve ever been this turned on before, except for maybe that time…Her mind wandered to a night that she had snuck out and gone over to Ashley’s. It had been right after her mother had found out about them, and both girls needed it bad.  Spencer felt her clit throb, snapping her back into reality.


    She was not going to make it though the entire day like this.  Raising her hand, she asked to go to the bathroom.  Spencer sighed as the cool water hit her face.  What is wrong with me, she thought.  Looking at herself in the mirror, she saw the girl that usually only appeared when she and Ashley were alone.  Her face was deeply flushed, her eyes were a dark indigo as opposed to their normal blue, she could see her nipples poking out through the fabric in her shirt, and she didn’t have to check to know that there was a mess in her pants, from her dripping sex.  There was only one thing to do, she thought. Taking out her phone, she texted Ashley.

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