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    Possible Side Effects May Include…


    Hey what are you doing?

    The reply came moments later

    Hot tub =)

    Oh God, she thought.  Ashley. In a skimpy bikini. With water clinging to her toned, tan body.  Maybe, Spencer thought, she was having some fun with the jets…..She felt another wave of desire course through her, her clit throbbing steadily now.

    Can you come get me?


    Sure. Is everything ok?

    No, I’m more turned on than I’ve ever been in my life and I need you to come get me so we can go back to your place and you can fuck my brains out, Spencer thought.  In reality she just wrote

    Yeah, just way to tired to be here right now.


    Ok no problem I’ll see you in like 10 minutes.


    For Spencer, time had never passed so slowly.  Those ten minutes seemed like hours and she had never been happier to see anyone than when Ashley pulled up in the parking lot. 


    Upon seeing Spencer, Ashley’s jaw dropped and she instantly felt wet. She knew that look. It was Spencer’s ‘I need to fuck right now’ look.  And then she got worried.  Of course she wanted Spencer, but she didn’t want to screw things up.  They were just getting to a really good place, and what if they slept together and things got weird.  But, she thought, what if they slept together and got back together? Before she had time to finish her thoughts, Spence was in the car, staring at her.


    “Hey,” she said.  Seeing the look in Spencer’s eyes, how dark they were, Ashley’s mouth instantly became dry.  But she managed to squeak out a “Hey yourself” before pulling out of the parking lot


    After a few minutes of silence, Spencer finally said “So, where are we going?”

    “Anywhere you want,” Ashley replied.

    “Is it ok if we just go back to your place? I haven’t even seen it yet and I’m really tired.”

    “Of course,” A devilish grin crossed Ashley’s face.  “Maybe you can test out the hot tub”

    Spencer smiled back. “Mmm sounds good, but I didn’t bring my suit with me.”

    “I never said you’d need one.”


    Ashley couldn’t be sure, but she thought she heard a small moan escape Spencer’s lips, and she clenched her legs together.  Seeing Spencer like this had always gotten to her, and it was no different right now.  I’m probably just as hot and bothered as she is, Ashley thought, just way better at hiding it.  She smiled to herself.

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