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    Possible Side Effects May Include…


    “What?” Spencer said. 

    “What what?” the older girl replied.

    “Why are you smiling?

    “Just because I can,” she said

    And before Spencer had time to say anything else about it, Ashley said “So here we are. Home sweet home.”

    The valet took the car and parked it, and the girls made their way to the elevator.


    Spencer couldn’t keep her eyes off Ashley during the entire car ride and during the walk to the elevator.  Being this close to her alone, made Spencer realize even more just how much she wanted Ashley right now.


    Pretending to be oblivious, Ashley simply made small talk and just stared at the numbers on the elevator. “So Kyla’s not home right now, which is too bad because she is much better at giving the grand tour than I am.”  She couldn’t help but smile again as Spencer only muttered “Mmhmm…Too bad.” As a reply.


    Enough of this, Ashley thought. “So are you going to tell me the real reason you had me come pick you up?” Spencer blushed. “What do you mean? I told you I was just too tired to be in school. We got home late last night and I didn’t get much sleep,” she said, unconvincingly.


    Ashley took a step toward the other girl.  “Spencer,” she said softly, seductively, “I know you. We were together for a while.” Spencer backed up until she hit the wall of the elevator, and Ashley stepped forward, placing her hands on the railing on either side of the other girl.

    Spencer stared into Ashley’s eyes, and realized, gulping, how dark they were.  “I…um I…”

    She trailed off, blushing even more.  “Spence,” Ashley whispered, “Its ok. You know I want you too.”


    And then her lips were on Spencer’s, and there was no space between them.  Spencer moaned into the kiss, becoming impossibly wetter. Ashley sucked on Spencer’s bottom lip as she ran her tongue along it, begging for entrance. Spence gladly gave it to her, moaning even more when she felt Ashley’s tongue in her mouth.  Their tongues battling for dominance, Ashley then pushed Spencer roughly against the elevator wall, sliding her thigh in between the blonde’s. “Oh fuck, ash,” Spencer breathed. Hearing Spencer swear only made Ashley more turned on, “I missed you so much,” she said.  “You have no idea.”

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