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    Possible Side Effects May Include…


    Just then, the elevator dinged, and the doors opened. Grabbing Spencer’s hand, Ashley led her down a hallway and opened her door.  She was barely inside when Spencer pounced on her, pushing her up against the door. Ashley moaned, the feel of the other girl’s body pressed so tightly up against her was driving her insane. “Spence,” she said. “Come on, my rooms right over here.”


    Not once breaking the kiss, Spencer allowed Ashley to lead her into her room, falling back as her legs hit the bed.  Ashley climbed on top of Spencer, straddling her as she removed her own shirt.  Spencer could only stare.  “You are so beautiful,” She said, and then pulled Ashley down on top of her, expertly undoing the clasp on her bra.  Ashley stopped kissing Spencer, the younger girl groaning in frustration at the loss of contact, and began to assault her neck, licking and sucking her collarbone, and biting down on her pulse point, eliciting a whimper from the blonde. After removing Spencer’s shirt and bra, she continued her way downward, stopping to take one of Spencer’s erect nipples into her mouth. “Oh… Ashley…” Spencer hissed, arching her back.  The older girl then switched, taking Spencer’s left nipple into her mouth, while massaging the right with her hand. 


    Continuing southward, Ashley kissed and licked her way down past Spencer’s toned abs to the top of her jeans.  Teasingly, she ran her hand along the top of them, while dipping her fingers lower and lower to where the blond needed them most.  Finally, Ashley unbuttoned Spencer’s jeans and slid them off.  Ashley gasped when she saw Spencer’s completely soaked thong.  “Oh my God. Spence your sooo wet, “she moaned. “I know…please Ashley.  I need you.”


    Please what?” Ashley asked rubbing Spencer’s mound through the fabric of her underwear. Spencer’s hips bucked involuntarily at the contact.  “Oh…jus…oh god. Ash… fuck me.” With that, Ashley literally tore off her thong. . “Mm fuck…Ashley,” Spencer moaned as she felt Ashley’s tongue licking inside her thigh, hot breath teasing her wet center. Ashley moved her finger’s back into Spencer’s core, using her tongue to circle the blonde’s clit. Ashley varied her strokes and her licks, sucking and nipping at the girl’s nub. Ashley could feel Spencer’s walls contracting and her hips bucking uncontrollably as she continued to thrust.


    “Ashley…oh my god…so close. Please don’t stop.” Curling her fingers to hit Spencer’s G-Spot and sucking hard on her clit, Ashley brought Spencer over the edge. “FUCK! ASHLEYYY!!” Spencer screamed as her thighs clamped around the other girl. 


    Ashley didn’t take her fingers out of Spencer until she was sure the girl had completely returned to normal, and before she knew it, Spencer had flipped her onto her back and was looking down at her, eyes filled with lust. “That,” She said between kisses, “Was amazing. But now, it’s your turn.” Ashley was speechless.


    Dipping her fingers into Ashley’s sex, she was shocked at what she found there.  “Ash,” She gasped, “You’re soaked.”  Her underwear was completely wet, and Spencer could smell her, the scent completely intoxicating.  “I know,” Ashley breathed, “That’s what you do to me Spence. You make me fucking crazy…Oh God.”


    She was interrupted as she felt Spencer’s fingers gently caressing her clit, her hips bucked involuntarily. “Uhh….Spencer,” she said, “Please don’t tease me.”  Spencer grinned. “Whatever you say Ash,” She replied, while at the same time thrusting three fingers in to the other girl’s dripping core. Grabbing the sheets, her knuckles white, Ashley desperately tried to gasp on to anything. She was going crazy and having trouble forming coherent thoughts.


    And then Spencer sucked hard on her clit and thrust into her one last time. Hard. “OH FUCK! SPENCERR! FUCK!”


    After she had calmed down, she pulled Spencer on to her for a heated kiss. “I missed you so much Spencer. So much.”  Spencer smiled. “I missed you too.”


    Soon after that, Ashley had fallen asleep, her arms around Spencer, who lay staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep.


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