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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: chapter 2)


    They sat and talked for a little longer. The conversation flowed easily from one topic to another, whether it was about movies, music, friends, relationships, families, conversation came very easily to the girls.


    The must have been talking for a while because it was already getting dark out and they were both starving. “Do you want to go down to the dining hall with me?” Spencer asked, a little nervous that the brunette would say no and she would have to go down and eat by herself.


    “I’m a little afraid to try the dining hall, I’ve heard some horror stories” the blonde chuckled but this didn’t solve the emptiness in her stomach. Ashley pulled out her phone and started to call someone. Spencer was confused but the brunette flashed her grin and she felt herself smile back. “Hey Aiden, what are you up to…Good I need you to pick up pizza and bring it over…..yes she’s here” Ashley made a face and rolled her eyes “yeah I’ll see you soon” with that she hung up the phone and sighed “Boys, they’re only good for one thing. Pizza!”


    Spencer laughed. “Good call, pizza was a great idea”


    “What can I say, I’m a genius”


    “mhmm… Whatever you say” Spencer teased.


    Ashley had a fake expression of hurt on her face and quickly replied “Spencer Carlin, are you doubting my intelligence?”


    “You would have to have intelligence for me to doubt it so….nope” with that Ashley swung a pillow at pillow at Spencer hitting her in the side. The blonde picked up a pillow from her bed and swung back.


    They were now in a full out pillow fight running around the small room. Spencer delivered a swift blow to Ashley sender her onto the bed. She stayed still for a minute and Spencer immediately regretted taking the shot, she dropped her pillow and leaned over to see if Ashley was alright. As soon as the blonde saw Ashley with an evil grin on her face she tried to move back, but it was too late. The brunette had grabbed her and pulled her onto the bed. Now Ashley had her pinned to the bed. Both girls had grins that stretched across their faces, and they were both very out of breath.


    Just then there was a knock at the door. Ashley jumped off and answered the door, silently cursing Aiden’s existence. Aiden walked in holding two pizza boxes in one hand and a case of beer in the other. “I thought we’d make it a room warming party” Aiden said holding up the beer.


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    1. i’m liking the speediness of your updates and I’m loving the story! I have only one more thing to add, make that two actually – PMS and screw aiden!

    2. hm. ok, so 1) great post. 2) but he’s cool i guess. hah. and 3) i say..two a night just isn’t enough sometimes. (that could be taken soo many ways. but i meant it in the non-dirty one. i was talking about posts). so i say …three? please?

    3. i’m liking the speediness of your updates and I’m loving the story! I have only one more thing to add, make that two actually – PMS and screw aiden!

    4. hm. ok, so 1) great post. 2) but he’s cool i guess. hah. and 3) i say..two a night just isn’t enough sometimes. (that could be taken soo many ways. but i meant it in the non-dirty one. i was talking about posts). so i say …three? please?

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