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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: Moving in, Coming out)


    The brunette nodded and gently shook Spencer’s hand “yeah, hi. This is Aiden” She finally spoke up and motioned to Aiden who quickly stepped in front of Ashley, he was grinning ear to ear. “Hey”


    Ashley rolled her eyes for what had seemed to be the hundredth time today “He was just leaving” The smile faded from Aiden’s face and he said goodbye to both girls and headed out.

    “I hope you don’t mind, I took the left side of the room, if you want to switch we can…” Spencer said, still feeling a little awkward about the situation.


    “Oh, no it doesn’t matter to me. So you’re from Ohio?” Ashley asked, sounding a little surprised. Spencer definitely did not look like a farm girl. She was gorgeous.


    “Yeah my family is in the process of moving out here, and I didn’t want to be stuck back in Ohio so I chose a west coast school. You’re from L.A. right?”


    Ashley nodded and sat herself on her bed “I went to high school with Aiden, and now he’s followed me to college”


    Spencer laughed “So is he your boyfriend or something?”


    “uh no, definitely not….actually there’s something you should know, since we’ll be sharing a room and all….um..”


    Spencer looked confused “sleep walker? Snorer? Axe murderer?” she joked.


    This made Ashley chuckle and relax a bit. “Aiden isn’t really my type…if you know what I mean”


    Spencer’s face lit up with realization. “You only date short guys?” Ashley fell silent, not sure what to say, but before she could open her mouth Spencer let out a small laugh “I’m kidding, I know what you meant, and trust me it’s totally not a big deal” She assured the brunette and reached over to her desk and grabbed a frame picture and handed it to the other girl.


    Ashley was relieved that Spencer was okay with her being gay, so many people weren’t. She took the picture from the other girl and looked at it. It was of Spencer and another attractive blonde with their arms wrapped around each others waists. It took a minute for Ashley to realize who the other girl must have been. “She’s cute”


    “Yeah, that’s my ex. We broke up about a month ago, but we’re still really great friends.” Spencer said taking the picture back.


    Ok so my roommate is a stunning, single girl who likes girls. SCORE! Maybe living on campus wasn’t such a bad thing. Ashley smiled at her own thought. This was definitely going to be an interesting semester.

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    1. ohh. i like it :] please tell me you’re not one of the ones who start off a story and then just drop off in the middle of it? that just wouldn’t be cool. seriously.

    2. Ah ha! I love it. The whole stereo type thing? It happens to the best of us. I love it though. And Spencer is shy? and out? and in college? This is a must read! love xoxo.

    3. damn, there are just so many good new fics being written i can hardly keep track! Like this one a lot and will be following avidly fo’ sure! You write well PMS

    4. ohh. i like it :] please tell me you’re not one of the ones who start off a story and then just drop off in the middle of it? that just wouldn’t be cool. seriously.

    5. Ah ha! I love it. The whole stereo type thing? It happens to the best of us. I love it though. And Spencer is shy? and out? and in college? This is a must read! love xoxo.

    6. damn, there are just so many good new fics being written i can hardly keep track! Like this one a lot and will be following avidly fo’ sure! You write well PMS

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