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    She’s into me, Right? – (Chapter: The Bet.)


    “Look, Ashley. Spencer isn’t like everyone else. Sure she gets intrigued. She wonders what makes you tick but she doesn’t give up like everyone else. And by the time she figures you out, she’ll be stuck. And trust me; if anyone can solve the mystery that is Ashley Davies, it’s her. Give yourself some credit. She can’t help but fall prey to your charm.”


    This calmed her a little but not much. She didn’t want to pull the angel, Spencer Carlin, into the cold hard web of her past. The brunette didn’t realize it but she made an untold oath to herself to remain as far away from Spencer as possible, at least emotionally so. Physically was a different story. Ashley wasn’t sure just how long the two of them could remain just friends before they turned into lovers. She guessed that by the end of the week the two of them would know each other a lot more intimately. The thought made an uncontrollable grin pass her face and all her worries disappeared for the moment.


    “Ash? Earth to Ashley. Come in Ashley. Do you copy?” Aiden interrupted her thoughts.


    “Yeah, I’m here.” She responded very contently.


    “Wow,” He said. “You should space out more often. If that’s what makes you happy, go for it. Just remember to come back once in a while.”


    Ashley heard the sound of keys jingling in the background.


    “You heading out?” she asked.


    “Yeah, work. Remember?”


    “Oh, sure. Totally. Just forgot. But only for a second.”


    “Ash, just call her up. I’m sure she’s dying to hear your voice as much as you are to hear hers.”


    “I can’t Aiden! I can’t just be all spontaneous! I need a plan of action, I need to come up with topics to talk about with her, there is just too much to be done before she and I actually converse.”


    “Whatever,” he mumbled. ”I still think you’re overreacting to this whole thing. It shouldn’t be that hard. Just call her up, say hi, and let things flow from there.”


    Ashley shook her head. Why couldn’t Aiden see that wasn’t how things worked? These types of things were hard. You had to really work to make a relationship function, or even to get a relationship.


    1. hmm…#1 on the cool list? i’m sure it means nothing except that i was the first name you saw…but i’m allowed to pretend it means you think i’m cooler than them. right? haha. i’ll go ahead and pretend anyway…it makes me feel better :] anyway, awesome post!!!! i love it. especially when i click on the link and find out its FIVE PAGES LONG. makes my day :) really.

    2. Oh my god I can’t believe I’m actually on someone’s cool list… That has to be the first time EVER. I don’t even mind if killheroff is cooler than me. ANyway, story. I liked this line “Spencer expressed her amusement by laughing.” Co you know, Spencer didn’t express her amusement by throwing haddock. That would have been funnier, but probably on ly to me, and where would Spencer get Haddock eh? I loved it. The sweet moment with Sam was perfect. PERFECT. More yo.

    3. *gasp* what a cruel cliffhanger that was. but yeah, I guess a good way of insuring that ppl will read the next post hey? that was awesome. you’re awesome. and apparently I’m cool, thanks for the shoutout :D

    4. hmm…#1 on the cool list? i’m sure it means nothing except that i was the first name you saw…but i’m allowed to pretend it means you think i’m cooler than them. right? haha. i’ll go ahead and pretend anyway…it makes me feel better :] anyway, awesome post!!!! i love it. especially when i click on the link and find out its FIVE PAGES LONG. makes my day :) really.

    5. Oh my god I can’t believe I’m actually on someone’s cool list… That has to be the first time EVER. I don’t even mind if killheroff is cooler than me. ANyway, story. I liked this line “Spencer expressed her amusement by laughing.” Co you know, Spencer didn’t express her amusement by throwing haddock. That would have been funnier, but probably on ly to me, and where would Spencer get Haddock eh? I loved it. The sweet moment with Sam was perfect. PERFECT. More yo.

    6. *gasp* what a cruel cliffhanger that was. but yeah, I guess a good way of insuring that ppl will read the next post hey? that was awesome. you’re awesome. and apparently I’m cool, thanks for the shoutout :D

    7. LOVE IT! I want more immediately, and also want Spencer to lose the bet! I like Sam, which is good, mainly cos he’s not a threat to the Spash relationship, what with him being gay – he seriously reminds me of one of my mates – but he’s also a laugh! anyways, update asap, you! :-D ;-) Jx

    8. LOVE IT! I want more immediately, and also want Spencer to lose the bet! I like Sam, which is good, mainly cos he’s not a threat to the Spash relationship, what with him being gay – he seriously reminds me of one of my mates – but he’s also a laugh! anyways, update asap, you! :-D ;-) Jx

    9. sweet im on the cool list LOL… omg great post!!! it was so sweeeeet.. i really hope that spencer loses aswell.. they need that date!!!! lol pms pleeeease

    10. sweet im on the cool list LOL… omg great post!!! it was so sweeeeet.. i really hope that spencer loses aswell.. they need that date!!!! lol pms pleeeease

    11. aww i’m in the cool list too!! hehhhe i’m so enjoying the cool status, hah. and i love the constant flirting between these two and i do want them to take it slow. this ash is a bit tough to figure out. hmm…

    12. aww i’m in the cool list too!! hehhhe i’m so enjoying the cool status, hah. and i love the constant flirting between these two and i do want them to take it slow. this ash is a bit tough to figure out. hmm…

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