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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 11-Out on the town)



    Dad and Glen had already left.  It was awkward this morning when dad had to help me in and out of my chair.  He tried to be cool about is but I could tell it bothered him.  Glen has also been acting weird.  I guess he thinks I am mad about him leaving, but I feel that he need to do what he wants.  I hear the doorbell ring and I wheel myself over to answer.  I am starting to get a hang of this.  I open the door to see Lee,

    "Hey, are you ready to hit the town and get the stuff for your room."  She sure is happy.

    "Not really, I didn’t think about people seeing me like this.  I don’t think I am ready."  Lee kneels down and puts her hands on my knees.

    "Spencer don’t think about other people.  I know it sucks and one thing that you are going to have to accept is that people will pity you.  But you know what, just ignore them because you are better then them.  You can either let them pull you down to their level or you can rise above.  What is it going to be?"  I look at her hands on my knees and realize the only person whose eyes I haven’t seen pity in is Lee’s.

    "Alright, let’s go.  I can’t wait to ride in your car"  She is driving a different one today.

    "Yeah, I though you would like your hair in the wind.  Also I do not need the Range Rover today.  Your wheelchair will fit in the trunk."  Dad must have gotten up early and fixed the plywood.  I wasn’t sure if I was happy about that or not.  She gets me to the car and lifts me into it.  She folds up the chair and settles it in the back. She hops in all cool like into to driver’s seat. 

    "Where to first?"  She asks and I suggest Lowe’s.  We head off and are unable to talk because the top was down and she had music blaring.  Wow I never would have guessed she liked 30 Seconds to Mars.  But then again I was expecting her to be listening to some Irish folk music or something like that.  God Spencer stereotype much?  We finally arrive at Lowes and are heading inside.  We are in front of the paint trying to decide what color I want.  I pick on up and show it to Lee,

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    1. That’s right Spencer and Lee, you just need to stay friends. It upsets me so much to think about Ashley and Aiden together. Where are they going? It must be important if Glen wouldn’t tell Spencer. I hope they all end up at Gray’s so Ashley will find out what’ wrong with Spencer. This story makes me so sad.:(

    2. That’s right Spencer and Lee, you just need to stay friends. It upsets me so much to think about Ashley and Aiden together. Where are they going? It must be important if Glen wouldn’t tell Spencer. I hope they all end up at Gray’s so Ashley will find out what’ wrong with Spencer. This story makes me so sad.:(

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