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    Stargate SGI: Duty versus Love – (Chapter: Friendship)

    "Huh?", Sam said coming fully awake. She took in the situation in an instant and realized she had fallen asleep. She looked at Jennifer sheepishly, who was getting ready to leave."Sorry, a lot of help I was for you. Thanks for waking me."

    "You looked like you could use the sleep so I dragged the umbrella over you so you wouldn’t burn." Jennifer shrugged. "No big deal"

    It was only then that Sam noticed the pool umbrella that was positioned behind her to cast a long shadow over her body, protecting her from the Sun’s rays. "Good thinking!" she said praising Jennifer, who blushed. "Have you got any dinner plans?" Sam asked impulsively.

    Jennifer looked at her for a moment before smiling, "Nope! You?" she asked smiling.

    "I do now. Com’on, I’ll buy you dinner for saving me from a fate worst then death!" Sam joked.

    "Sure but you don’t have to buy," Jennifer said.

    Sam looked at the well toned woman sincerely, "It’s the least I can do, meet me downstairs in an hour?" Sam asked.

    "Okay, see you then," Jennifer said walking away smiling.

    Jennifer took her time dressing for dinner, she wanted to make a good impression on Sam but she hadn’t brought anything fancy so her best jeans would have to do. She combed out her shoulder length brown hair trying to tame the natural curls which gave her hair a lot of body and bounce. She didn’t think Sam realized she was gay but she was still vain enough to want to knock her hetero socks off. She had spotted the blue eyed blonde immediately when she entered the pool area earlier this afternoon. Her eyes had been drawn to the solitary figure sunbathing across the pool and luckily there was a lounger available beside her so it was a good opportunity to get a better look. Luck was with her when Sam had fallen asleep, giving her the perfect opportunity to study her profile leisurely. She had been trying to think of some clever way to meet Sam for a drink later when the blonde had surprised her with the dinner invitation. Jennifer gave herself a last once over after attaching her earings then headed out to the bar.

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    1. Wow I normally don’t read much on this site but this story is definitely cool. I love the film star gate but haven’t seen much of the series:) pls continue n pps

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