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    Stargate SGI: Duty versus Love – (Chapter: Friendship)

    Sam was sitting at the bar, waiting for her dinner companion. She had surprised herself when she had impulsively invited Jennifer to join her since she usually ate alone but hell, she was on vacation and she could do what she wanted. She hadn’t made any plans other than to relax and was worry free for the first time in a long time. She really needed this break from work so she would have a fresh perspective when she returned. Sam was debating on whether to order a drink when she spotted Jennifer entering from the lobby. She lifted her hand to get her attention.

    "Hi," Jennifer said, "Am I late?" she asked checking her watch.

    "No I was early. I’m not used to having so much free time so I was ready a long time ago. Do you want a drink before dinner?" Sam asked smiling.

    "I wouldn’t turn down a beer" Jennifer said, "unless you would prefer wine or something else." she amended quickly.

    Sam grinned, "No a beer sounds great", she said placing their order with the bartender.

    They sipped their beer and discussed the usual frivalous topics, the weather, transportation troubles from the airport then as their conversation progressed they found that they had a lot in common. They were both well versed on the current political situation and could argue inteligently about a wide range of topics. By mutual consent they kept their conversations impersonal and light in keeping with their vacation staus. "So what do your bosses pay you for?" Jennifer asked Sam, curious about the job she must do.

    "Hmmm, Primarily for my scientific abilities I would say. What about you? What do you do?" Sam asked sipping her second beer.

    "I’m a supervisor." Jennifer said vaguely changing the subject."Shall we go eat now?" she said rising.

    They enjoyed their dinner and conversation and by the end of it found they had each made a new friend. Sam payed the check and both women decided to call it a night. "Sorry for the early night," Sam said, "but I’m usually up first light with my job and I don’t want to break that routine during my vacation."

    "Actually me too so this works for me!" Jennifer said. "Are you busy tomorrow? I’m going shopping in the morning if you want to come."

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    1. Wow I normally don’t read much on this site but this story is definitely cool. I love the film star gate but haven’t seen much of the series:) pls continue n pps

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