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    Stargate SGI: Duty versus Love – (Chapter: Friendship)

    Sam didn’t usually shop but she found that she wanted to spend more time with Jennifer so she agreed to meet for breakfast and a morning of shopping. It was nice to have a female friend away from work.

    The two women became almost inseparable. They relaxed by the pool or did some sight seeing during the day and in the evenings they took to watching movies after dinner, each picking out their favourites. Tonight Sam had brought "Pretty Woman" starring Julia Roberts and Jennifer keyed up "The Gymnast" starring Dreya Weber.

    They ate popcorn and laughed and cried throughout the movies thoroughly enjoying themselves. Jennifer had fallen asleep during the end of The Gymnast and missed Sam’s reaction to the movie.

    Sam had been surprised by the lesbian content of the movie but she found she was captivated by the strong performance of the female lead Weber. She was very impressed by the level of stunt work the woman had performed during the movie, conscious of the fact Weber was over 40 at the time of production. She couldn’t help making some comparisons between Jennifer and Weber, both were in top physical shape but she felt Jennifer was much more beautiful as she looked down onto the sleeping face of her friend. Sam gently pushed aside a lock of her hair which brought Jennifer fully awake. "Aww did I miss then end?" she said stretching her long legs. "That’s my favourite part" she pouted. "Did you like it?" Jennifer asked not making eye contact with Sam.

    "Yes, very much so" Sam said. "That actress is in amazing shape!"

    Jennifer didn’t pry anymore, she had originally considered using the movie as a forum to open up a discussion about her sexual orientation and telling Sam she was a lesbian but decided that she only had a couple days of vacation left so why risk making Sam uncomfortable around her. They made plans for a last shopping trip in the morning, before their vacation time ran out and said good night.


    "I don’t know, what do you think?" Sam asked for the umpteenth time modeling a dress. "It seems a little daring for me?" she asked her friend seriously. They had spent the morning picking up odds and ends, when Sam remembered she had an important function to attend at the end of the month and wanted a new formal evening gown. Jennifer steered her into a very excusive dress shop causing Sam to giggle. "I feel like Julia Roberts," she snickered, referring to a scene in the movie they had watched the night before. "Well I guess that makes me Richard Gere", Jennifer smirked picking out some things in Sam’s size. "Here try these," she said, thrusting a bunch of item’s into Sam’s arms.

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    1. Wow I normally don’t read much on this site but this story is definitely cool. I love the film star gate but haven’t seen much of the series:) pls continue n pps

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