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    Stargate SGI: Duty versus Love – (Chapter: Friendship)

    Sam tried on each item Jennifer had chosen and modeled them. "Hmm", Jennifer said, "I like them all but none of them scream, SAM!" she said seriously going back out to look over the selection again. Sam fussed with the wasitline and trim, not sure about any of them, looking up when Jennifer came back triumphantly."This one!" Jennifer stated and turned Sam back into the change room.

    Sam tried the black dress on that Jennifer had chosen and gasped at the result in the mirror, "I must have it on backwards" she said, hauling on the cleavage. She walked out of the room and turned towards the full length mirror, focussing on her image when Jennifer appeared behind her. She started to joke about the amount of cleavage showing when she saw the look of pure lust on her friends face and shook her head thinking she was mistaken.

    Jennifer was stunned and for a moment she couldn’t even catch her breath, Sam was absolutely gorgeous. She already knew that but this dress, made her look…Wow. She forgot to hide her emotions for a minute and then she caught Sam’s eye in the mirror. "You look..fantastic" she whispered softly. "It is definitely the one" she finished.

    Sam looked confused for a moment then smiled, "Okay, I’ll take it".

    After she paid for the dress and they stepped out on the boulevard

    Sam impulsively hugged Jennifer. "What’s this for?" Jennifer asked blushing slightly but hugging her back.

    "For being so patient and helping me. I don’t have a lot of time for friends outside work but these last two weeks have been just what I needed I hope we can…"

    RINGGGGG, Both Sam and Jennifer’s phones went off at the same time. Shrugging they each turned away to take the call. Hanging up slightly first, Jennifer was all business. "Sam! I’ve got to leave. My assignment has been moved up and they need me now," she said apologetically.

    Sam too was grave, "Me too, a … problem has come up and I have to get back." She said hailing them both a cab back to the resort. They both were silent on the ride back to their rooms as each had to make some mental plans to facilitate immediate departure. Since their rooms were on separate wings they said their hasty goodbyes in the lobby both promising to meet for another minute before they left so they could exchange contact information but in the rush to depart they both forgot….

    Major Samantha Carter was escorted to a waiting helicopter which flew her immediately to a nearby US Airforce base, then she was forwarded to the Cheyenne Mountain research facility. She was met by her SG1 team and briefed quickly about a dire off-world rescue mission before she passed through the Stargate to travel thousands of light years away.

    Captain Jennifer Kennard checked out of her hotel and was rushed into a waiting car which deposited her at the airport. From there she took a Private plane to Colorado Springs where she would begin her new position as squadron leader of SG12 out of Cheyenne mountain. She had been fully briefed about the Stargate program and the Airforce had been very impressed with her leadership qualities during her last tour of duty and offered her this commision. She was excited to begin her new adventure.


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    1. Wow I normally don’t read much on this site but this story is definitely cool. I love the film star gate but haven’t seen much of the series:) pls continue n pps

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