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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Confessions)


    My musings are interrupted when I hear a car door slam outside. I hop off of her bed and look out the window. Ashley is getting out of a car at lightning speed and rushing up her steps. Then I see Carmen stick her head out of the window “You’re a fuckin tease Davies!” She yells and drives off. Ash just flicks her off and runs inside. I have to smirk at this, after all, I do love being right and I knew Carmen was no good.


    “SPENCER!!” Ash yells as she runs up the stairs. “SPENCER!!!” she yells again.


    “Ash I’m up here!” I shout back and start to walk towards the top of the stairs, but she comes careening around the corner and smacks right into me, knocking us both down.


    “Ashley what the hell?” I groan


    “Oh my God Spence are you ok?” She’s leaning over me again, and all I can think about is how beautiful she is. And she looks so worried right now.


    “Yeah I’m fi—“I trail off because I try to sit up but there is a blinding pain in my head and so I lie back down on the floor.


    “Ohhh crap I broke you,” she moans. And I can’t help but smile at how concerned she is. “Spence can you hear me?” she says as she moves on to my lap, straddling me.  Now my smile is gone. And my eyes snap open.


    “Yes. I can hear you,” I whisper.  She puts her hands on either side of my face and looks deeply into my eyes.


    “Spencer can you see me?”




    “Ok good.  Dr. Davies declares you A-OK,” She says, smiling down at me.


    And I don’t know what comes over me, but I grasp her hands in mine, and use them to pull myself up to a sitting position, with her in my lap. And i pull her closer to me. I hear her breathing pick up, but then she stops me.


    “Spencer I have to tell you something,” she says. And its official, Spencer Carlin has the worst timing ever.




    “Ok so. Me and Carmen went out to dinner tonight at The Chateau and –

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