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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Confessions)


    “Ooh pulling out all the stops Davies,” I interrupt


    She smiles at me “Yeah well, what can I say. But that’s not the point!” and then her face is serious again. “So we were there and we saw Madison.”


    “Ew that’s unfortunate.” Madison is Aiden’s ex, Ashley’s ex best friend, and Glen’s current girlfriend. “I don’t get why that matters though. Did she wreck your date?”


    Ashley looks at me like she’s trying to get me to put something together but I’m not following at all. I blame the recent head trauma. “She wasn’t by herself…She was with someone and they were very very cozy….like all over each other…..”


    Light bulb! “OH!” I say. “Ok so you saw glen and Madison and it was gro-“


    “Aiden!! Spencer we saw Madison and Aiden! And they were all over each other. He – he’s cheating on you. I’m so sorry Spence.”


    “Oh.” That’s all I can think of to say. I don’t really feel that upset. I didn’t love him. I slide out from underneath Ashley and get into her bed. “Ok so tell me about the date with Carmen. Or the partial date.”


    “Spencer? “She looks at me like I’m crazy.




    “I just told you that your boyfriend was cheating on you. And you brushed it off like I said ‘It’s raining we can’t go to the beach.’”


    “Well what do you want me to say, Ash,” I snap at her, suddenly angry. “I didn’t love him. And obviously I just wasn’t good enough because he had to…he…” I stop, because my eyes are filling with tears I didn’t know I had. I never thought I’d cry over Aiden Dennison


    “Shhh it’s ok babe, it’s ok,” She says, wrapping her arms around me.


    “Why am I upset Ashley? I didn’t – I don’t love him.”


    “Because even if you didn’t feel that way about him, he said he loved you. So it hurts that he’d do that to you because that means he lied. And no one likes to be lied to Spencer.”


    She’s right. She’s always right. “He sucks.”


    “Pretty much, dern kids” We both laugh.


    “Ash?” I say,


    "Yeah Spence?"


    “I feel like drinking.” Maybe I don’t care that much about Aiden, but it still hurts. And so right now I want to forget.


    “You got it,” She says, grinning at me. Then she goes downstairs to get our alcoholic beverages of choice.


    I just lie down on her bed. Waiting for her to get back





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