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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Faking It)


    “Yeah. You guys have kissed and what not and it seemed like things were starting to get to a more than friends place type thingy.” That must be Kyla


    “Right,” I hear Ash sniffle. Wait, she’s crying? “Then she calls me tonight and she was really upset so I went and picked her up and th-then she told me that Glen is still in love with me.”


    “HE WHAT!?”


    Ok so I guess everyone is falling off of stuff tonight.


    “I know, I know! It’s ridiculous, right?”


    “I think I broke my ass.”


    “Kyla!” Ashley snaps, “Try and stay with me here.”


    “Right, sorry. Ok so….I don’t know, I mean, is it ridiculous? Or do you still have some leftover feelings for Glen?” What!? No she can’t. She loves me. Me. As in the female Carlin child, not the stupid man tree.


    “I-I don’t know. Maybe? I’ve been so wrapped up in Spencer that I never really thought about anyone else. We never really talked stuff out, you know. There was never any closure, we just broke up, he hated me, and then he got over it but we didn’t really discuss anything.”


    “Well I think you owe it to yourself to figure that out, because you don’t deserve to be alone because you’re waiting for Spencer to get it together. Plus, if it makes her jealous enough to do something about it, then it’s a win win situation.”


    “I don’t know Ky, I don’t want to hurt her….”


    And that’s all I hear, because I go back to Ashley’s room before I have a panic attack and force myself to fall asleep.




    It’s been a few days since I overheard that conversation. Ashley and Glen have been casually hanging out again. She won’t call it dating, and she won’t be exclusive. And me? I’ve been doing what Spencers do best. I’m faking everything. For example, I’m just thrilled that Glen and Ashley have been seeing each other again. Bull. Shit.


    What’s even worse is that I know why she’s doing it. She wants to teach me a lesson, give me a wake up call to show me that she can’t keep waiting for me anymore. And it’s working.  I’ve been trying to get up the nerve to talk to her, but Glen is always lurking. So I do the next best thing, I act extra clingy and annoying. Ok maybe that’s not the next best thing, but right now it’s all I got.




     “Ash come on!” Glen shouts. We’re at McGolf. How original. Ok so I’m kind of using him. I wasn’t at the beginning, I really thought I still felt something for him, but we’ve both changed a lot since freshman year and it just isn’t the same.


    “Hang on; I’m just going to call Spencer.” She picks up on the first ring. “Hey! What’s up Ash?”


    “Hi Spence, nothing much. Me and Glen are mini golfing and I thought I’d see if you wanted to come?”


    “Oh,” She sounds disappointed, “no that’s ok, I don’t want to butt in, you guys have fun and I guess I’ll just talk to you later or something.”


    “Spencer wait don’t han-“ But she’s already gone. I think I might have pushed her too far. Instead of calling her back I just text her:


    Sleepover tonight? Mi casa?


    Yeah def. I think that’s the fastest she’s ever texted me back


    Ok come over at like 7?


    Just me and you?




    Ok. See you in a bit.


    I shut my phone and walk over to Glen. “Hey is it ok if we skip mini golf? Spence is coming over.”


    “Ok sure,” He says “The three of us can watch a movie or something.”


    “Actually I was hoping it’d just be me and her tonight. I haven’t really seen her lately, you know?”


    “Oh. Ok yeah. Of course. Just call me later” He gives me a quick kiss on the lips and leaves.


    As soon as he’s gone I sprint to my car and race home. Tonight has to be perfect.

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    1. AW! loL! awesome update! this story is flippin’ great. =] i just hope ‘tonight’ is perfect and spencer grows some balls and tells ashley how she really feels!! PMS!!

    2. AW! loL! awesome update! this story is flippin’ great. =] i just hope ‘tonight’ is perfect and spencer grows some balls and tells ashley how she really feels!! PMS!!

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