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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: High Tension)


    “I’m going to jump in the shower. So you can get dressed and pick out a movie or something?” I ask.


    She smiles her real smile, the one that lights up rooms, and says “Ok sure.” Then she starts to pull some clothes out of her bag.


    Instead of waiting to get into the bathroom, I quickly take of my bathing suit top and bottoms, and nonchalantly stroll out of the room. But before I shut the door, I turn over my shoulder to look at her; she’s dropped her clothes and is staring at me with her mouth open. I notice, smirking to myself, that she’s also panting. I wink at her and then shut the door behind me.





    Oh. My. God. Did that actually just happen? She was naked. Ashley Davies, naked, mere feet away from me. This girl is going to be the death of me.


    I attempt to clear my head, and get dressed, throwing on some boxers and a plain white wife beater. Only if you let me come with you. Her words from earlier echo in my head. God, why didn’t I? I lie back on her bed, my legs dangling off the edge as I cover my eyes with my forearm. Her ass is perfect. Shut up brain! I think, groaning in frustration.


    Then I remember that I’m in charge of the movie, so I pop in Superstar and leave it at the main menu. I also decide that I’m hungry, so I start to head down stairs, yelling at the bathroom door as I go, “Ash I’m getting ice cream!” She doesn’t reply, but I assume she heard me and continue on my way.


    I come back upstairs a few minutes later with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s and two spoons in hand. But as soon as I go in her room, I drop everything on the floor. Naked. Again. Ok, well half naked. She has boxers on, but that’s it.  She’d just gotten out of the shower, her hair is still wet and there are droplets of water clinging to her still. I can’t take it anymore. I cross the room, and grab her by the arm, roughly spinning her around and then pulling her towards me, crashing our lips together.


    She moans into the kiss and I revel in the sensation of her bare breasts pressed into my own thinly covered chest. I slowly walk us backwards, never breaking the kiss, until she hits the wall.  I can’t suppress the moan that rises in my throat as I feel her slowly run her tongue along my bottom lip, seeking entrance. I gladly open my mouth to her, and we both groan as our tongues clash together.


    She pushes herself off the wall and starts to walk us over to the bed, my knees buckle as soon as they hit it and I fall back into a half sitting position, just staring up at her. She sees me eyeing her and a low growl comes from her throat. She runs her hand through her hair quickly before pushing me down all the way and then she climbs on top of me, straddling my waist and looking at me as though she is about to devour me. I can’t wait.

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    1. i agree how could u?!!!!!! my god the image is forever frozen in my brain with no relief in site. well maybe im a tad dramatic but come on patience is not my virtue!! lol love it more PLEASE

    2. So yeah you stopped there? how could you, I’m going die and go straight to the fire pits of hell for the images in my head xDLooks like it is time for a cold shower for me and there better be more when I’m done, lol J/KPMS!!!!

    3. i agree how could u?!!!!!! my god the image is forever frozen in my brain with no relief in site. well maybe im a tad dramatic but come on patience is not my virtue!! lol love it more PLEASE

    4. So yeah you stopped there? how could you, I’m going die and go straight to the fire pits of hell for the images in my head xDLooks like it is time for a cold shower for me and there better be more when I’m done, lol J/KPMS!!!!

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