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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Higher Tension)


    “Don’t worry babe, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. Just let me take care of you,” I punctuate the sentence by nibbling her earlobe, and she just moans and nods in response.


    Then I push her back onto the bed and lean over her. I notice that her gaze has shifted from my face down to my breasts.


    “Spencer,” I whispers, but she still doesn’t move her gaze “I’m up here.” She reluctantly pulls her eyes from my chest and looks me in the eye. She’s blushing, and quickly looks away again and turns her head to the side.


    “Hey,” I say, moving my head so I can see her face, “Don’t hide. I love that you like looking at me, Spence,” I lean down and whisper in her ear again. “It makes me so fucking hot.”


    I hear her groan in response, and then she pulls me even closer to her. “Ashley…I –I really want to touch you.”


    Screw what I said earlier, that was the fucking sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. I feel her pull me closer, and I realize I haven’t responded yet.  “Okay Spencer” I don’t know if she wants me underneath her or what so I just raise myself up a little bit, supporting my weight with my arms.


    She starts by pulling me in for a kiss; its soft and gentle but all that passion is still there.  Then she begins to trail her hands down my neck and onto my collarbone and shoulders. She breaks the kiss and I can tell by her face that she is really focusing on what she’s doing. Hot.


    I feel her run her hand along my collarbone lightly and I close my eyes and shudder in response. She smirks at this and does it again, obviously liking my reaction. Then her hands move around to my back, and she massages every inch of skin there. I’ve never had anyone do what she’s doing to me right now, everywhere she touches ignites a fire. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten this turned on before. Period. And she’s just touching my back.


    I open my eyes again to look at her, and she still has that look of concentration on her face. But I notice that even though she’s still caressing my back, her eyes are glued to my chest. God I wish she would just touch me there. I can’t stand it.

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