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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Higher Tension)


    “Spence,” I say, my voice cracking “you can…I mean…if you want….uh, will you please just….” I trail off, forming sentences isn’t really working out right now. But I also don’t want to force her to do anything she doesn’t want to do.


    I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to regain some of my composure. When I open them, I see very dark, very intense blue eyes staring back at me. She has a smirk on her face. “What?” I whisper, a small smile forming on my own lips.


    “You seem to be having a little trouble completing your thoughts Miss Davies.”


    This time I’m the own that blushes and looks away. “I can’t help it, that’s what you do to me.”


    I feel her hand cupping my cheek, and I lean into her touch. She gently turns my head so that I’m looking at her again.


    “Don’t hide,” she says softly, repeating my words from earlier. She smiles at me again. “Now what was it you were trying to request earlier? Was it something along the lines of…this?”


    As soon as the words leave her mouth, her hands find my boobs, and I can’t even think. I love the fact that she wants me, I love that I turn her on.


    “Spencer,” I hiss as she begins to play with my nipples “that feels so fucking good. Please don’t stop.”


    “I don’t plan on it,” She says as she moves her head forward and begins to nibble on my neck, “Ever.”


    She spends a lot of time touching my breasts and it feels amazing. I’m getting so hot. She notices, because she pulls back from my neck, where she had been sucking and biting my pulse point no doubt leaving a huge mark “Ash…” I hear her whisper. I force my eyes open and look at her. She’s staring at my chest again, but meets my gaze when she feels me staring at her.


    “You’re so gorgeous,” she says softly. Her eyes then travel from my eyes down to my arms which are now beginning to tremble from holding myself up so long. Her hands leave my breasts, her left hand rests on the top of my right one, and her other hand begins to trace lazy lines up and down the inside of my arm.


    “Mm…Ash,” I hear her murmur. Then her head dips down and she licks a small trail from my flexed bicep down to where my elbow joint is,  on the inside of my arm. She swirls her tongue around, and I completely lose it. My arms give out and I collapse on top of her. Before she has a chance to react, I quickly pin her arms above her head and pull her into a kiss, biting down softly on her bottom lip. I feel her moan into my mouth.


    After a few minutes, we’re both in desperate need of air and she pulls back, panting. “Hey, I wasn’t done yet. I love touching you,” she whispers, and reaches for my breast again. But I pull back slightly and she looks at me confused.


    “No Spencer,” I growl, “My turn.”








    More coming real real soon! I have a paper to type!  =[

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