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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Home Invasion)


    “Ok, I know we’ve been hanging out a lot again lately and it’s been great spending time with you again but…” I stop. Spencer realizes what I’m about to do and she starts flailing her arms about, mouthing ‘NO!’


    Glen looks at me expectantly, “Uhh…but….I really need to pee!! Hang on one sec!” I say as I run into my room, shutting the door behind me.


    “What the hell was that?” Spencer hisses


    “What?” I whisper back “Spencer are you seriously telling me you want me to keep seeing your brother when you’re my girlfriend?”


    She blushes at this last statement “I’m you’re girlfriend?”  I realize we never formally discussed this, and now I blush too “Well…yeah, if you want to be,” she flashes me a quick smile before pulling me into her and kissing me.


    She pulls away all too quickly. “Ok Ash, you can’t break up with him.”


    “What! Spencer how can you even say that?”


    “Because, he’s in love with you. And if you break it off with him, it’s going to break his heart. And at first he’ll be all mopey and depressed but then he’ll just hate you like last time. And that means everything will be all tense because I won’t end our relationship because of him, so he’ll make it even harder for us to see each other. And I can’t deal with that. So please, just don’t do it, not yet.” She’s right.


    “Fine,” I sigh, “but I won’t be exclusive, and I’m not sleeping with him.”


    She glares at me, “You’d better not.”


    “Spence come on you know I’d nev-“


    “Uhh…guys? Can we go now?” Whoopsie, he’s been in the hall for a while now.


    “Yeah one sec, Glen. We just have to change,” I yell through the door. Spencer and I quickly change into our bikinis, grab towels and head out the door.  We’re walking downstairs when Glen pulls me aside.


    “Ashley what were you going to say earlier?” Oh crap he remembered. I smile at him before saying, “Oh nothing, just that I’m glad we’re hanging out again.”


    He grins and pulls me into a hug. “Me too,” then he pulls back and kisses me quickly on the lips before continuing downstairs. “Let’s go! The lines are going to caarazzy!” He yells as he runs out the door.


    I turn around to see Spencer standing at the bottom of the stairs, glaring at me.




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    1. *hmmm maybe you should get sick more often….. nah*what did spence actually expect to happen if she tells ash to keep seeing glen. of course glens going to keep acting like they’re still going out. great update!!!pms!!!

    2. okay spence doesn’t really have a right to glare at ashley when she told her not to break up with him but i do understand she’ll still be jealous pms

    3. spencer’s kind of stupid if you ask me. but hey…i’m not bashing your story. can’t wait for the next post. it was cute that ashley was that quick to break up with glen. she must really love spence.

    4. Well, this isn’t going to be good. Spencer should of let Ash break up with him. It’s better she does that than him catching them. Great update! PMS!!!

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