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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Introduction)


    Maybe she doesn’t remember it, but I do. And I still count that as my first kiss.  She still maintains that her brother, Glen, gave me my first smooch, but that’s something I’d rather forget.


    Now she has a dreamy look on her face.  And I’m pretty sure she’s thinking about that time at the playground, too.  That happens a lot with us. One of us will start thinking about something, and then it pops into the other one’s head, and then we both just start laughing like maniacs.  I pretend like I have no idea though.


    “Spence stop dreaming about Aiden and pick out some shoes for me.”


    “What! Ew- I mean no… I mean….Shut up Ash! I’m not helping you get ready for your skankapalooza tonight. I’m only hear because this is my last ditch effort to get you to drop that whore and just hang out with me and Aid tonight.”


    I smirk at the thought.  “Hmmm, let me way my options Ms. Carlin.  Let’s see…go on a date with the very caliente Carmen, or go to the movies with you and the caveman and watch it by myself because you two are slobbering all over each other. What to do, what to do,” I say, putting my finger to my lips in mock thought.


    She looks crestfallen, but she knows I’m right.  “Look Spence, I know its not your fault that every time the three of us hang out I sit awkwardly by myself while you guys suck each others faces off, but that is what happens.  Besides, I won’t be out all night with Carmen.  It doesn’t take long for me to work my Davies charm and get her to ‘tango’ with me, if you know what I mean,” I laugh, wiggling my eyebrows at her.


    “Ewww Ash,” but she’s laughing too. In fact she’s done a complete one eighty in the last eight seconds. “So you don’t like…like her like her?” she asks.


    “No Spence, I don’t ‘like her like her’,” I say, half mocking her.  “I’m attracted to her obviously, I mean, how could I not be, she’s fucking hot. But there are no other feelings there.”


    She looks thoughtful for a moment, and then she says “Well, why not?”

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    1. i like how ashley knows spencer is gay and doesn’t like boys but pretends along with spencer that she’s straight. its kind of sad though cuz spence doesn’t love aiden but becuase of her mom and brother is sort of emotionally forced to be with him.

    2. i like how ashley knows spencer is gay and doesn’t like boys but pretends along with spencer that she’s straight. its kind of sad though cuz spence doesn’t love aiden but becuase of her mom and brother is sort of emotionally forced to be with him.

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