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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Miserable at Best)


    “So what’s up?” She says, leaning against me.


    “Ok well….” And I start to go over the past week’s event.




    “Ow,” I whisper so I won’t wake up Dad, “Glen that hurts”


    We’re currently sitting on my kitchen counter, putting ice on my head. After he told me he still loves Ashley, my Ashley, I fell off the swing, and then when I was getting up I tripped over the stupid branches from his helmet and smacked my head on the deck railing. It’s definitely going to bruise.


    “Sorry Spence but we have to ice it or it’s going to be a whole lot worse,” He says, putting the ice back on my forehead, this time more gently. “Why’d you freak out so much anyway?”


    I could tell him why. Glen I freaked out because she doesn’t love you, she loves me. And I love her. Yeah right, like I’d say that.


    “I don’t know Glen, it’s just….well I mean it’s weird. She’s my best friend, she’s mostly into girls now – “


    “I know, I know” he cuts me off, “But mostly doesn’t mean completely. And I can’t stop thinking about her, Spence, it – she’s driving me crazy. And now that me and Madison are over it just seems like perfect timing.”


    “Ok. So where do I fit into all of this?” I ask, even though I’m pretty sure I already know.


    “I was hoping you could maybe talk to her for me? You know, like get an idea of where her heads at?”


    Suddenly I feel like the room is closing in on me. The thought of Glen and Ashley getting back together….I can’t even begin to process that. I need to get out of this room, out of this house and away from my brother.


    “Y-yeah sure no problem,” I stammer as I start to head for the door. “Actually I can do that right now. I was going to sleep there anyway soo….yeah I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”


    “Spencer, wait! I didn’t mean right now! You don’t have t-“He starts to call after me, but I’m already gone, running down my street until I feel like my legs are going to give out. And I feel completely lost. He can not love Ashley. How can he be in love with her when I am? And then my chest starts to tighten as I think about them together. And what if she actually wants to get back together with him? I know I’ve been a little hot and cold with her lately. What if she’s fed up with it? I can’t lose her. This can’t be happening. I’m having a complete meltdown.


    And then I do the only thing I can do when I feel afraid and completely panicked like this.


    “Ashley?” I say shakily into the phone, my voice betraying the tears welling up in my eyes. “Will you come get me?”


    “On my way babe,” She answers.











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    1. you cant do that glen can do that, ashley can go with glen I mean i hope she doesnt that would totally mess up everything they worked on up until now that would destroy spencer and ashley’s some what of a relationship

    2. you would have to be on some major acid to go back to glen or even date him period rather then spence. glen is a dum dum i hope he falls out of a big tree and dies. well maybe not but spashley was getting somewhere and now this. gahhh anyways love it!!!!!!

    3. you cant do that glen can do that, ashley can go with glen I mean i hope she doesnt that would totally mess up everything they worked on up until now that would destroy spencer and ashley’s some what of a relationship

    4. you would have to be on some major acid to go back to glen or even date him period rather then spence. glen is a dum dum i hope he falls out of a big tree and dies. well maybe not but spashley was getting somewhere and now this. gahhh anyways love it!!!!!!

    5. Um, yea, kind of threw a monkey wrench into the works. I dont want glen to get hurt, but I’d MUCH rather see Spashley togehter. Great story, PMASAP!!!!!!

    6. Um, yea, kind of threw a monkey wrench into the works. I dont want glen to get hurt, but I’d MUCH rather see Spashley togehter. Great story, PMASAP!!!!!!

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