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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: One Man Drinking Games)


    Or maybe she does. Because next she leans down close to me, so close that I can feel her breath on my neck and she pushes her hands hard into my back, right between my shoulder blades. And if feels fucking amazing. Then she goes back to just lightly rubbing all over my back and up and down my sides, stopping just before she reaches the sides of my breasts.


    She sits up straight again for a moment before she leans back down and I suddenly become highly aware that she’s only wearing a tank top, without a bra. This time she rakes her nails down the length of my back and the moan comes out before I can stop it.


    “Spencer. Oh my God.”


    And that’s when it happens. Her hands come to my bra clasp and she undoes it. Then she leans down and plants a small kiss on the back of my neck. And then another one. And then another one.


    “Ashley,” She says breathlessly, barely above a whisper. I turn to look at her over my shoulder and my mouth goes dry. She’s staring at me, more intently than I’ve ever seen her. Her eyes are dark and glazed over and her breathing is heavy.


    “Turn over,” She whispers. And I’m too stunned to even think of saying no to her. I roll onto my back, and she’s still straddling me. She leans down, placing her hands on either side of my head and stares into my eyes. I can’t look away.


    “You are so fucking beautiful Ash,” And words still escape me. I sit up slightly and lick my lips, all the while still staring at her.


    Then she leans down, so that our noses are touching and she takes a deep breath in. Like she’s trying to gather the strength to finish what she started.


    “Spen-“I start to say, but she cuts me off with her lips. And it feels unbelievable. She winds her fingers through my hair, pulling me closer and I reach around and grab her ass, pulling her into me.


    Then she bucks her hips into mine, causing me to groan and deepen the kiss. She runs her tongue along my bottom lip, seeking entrance. And of course I give it to her, like I would ever say no.

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    1. man i feel bad for ash in the fact that spencer was drunk while doing those things and sad for spencer cuz she needed to the intoxication to allow her to do what she really wants to do.

    2. woah. poor ashley .. that blows. damn! it’s like .. im happy they kissed but, sad because spencer was drunk. ugh! awesome update though!! great job! PMS

    3. man i feel bad for ash in the fact that spencer was drunk while doing those things and sad for spencer cuz she needed to the intoxication to allow her to do what she really wants to do.

    4. woah. poor ashley .. that blows. damn! it’s like .. im happy they kissed but, sad because spencer was drunk. ugh! awesome update though!! great job! PMS

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