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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: One Man Drinking Games)


    The kiss deepens, and I moan into it. She’s making me crazy with desire for her. I want her so fucking bad it’s taking all my self control not to tear her clothes off and take her right here.


    Then she moves her lips down to my collar bone, and she bites down on my pulse point, making me moan again. And before I know its happening, she’s moving my bra straps off of my shoulder, and tossing it somewhere  in my room. 


    She stares down at me, and I suddenly feel very shy, which is weird because I’ve never been self conscious in front of Spencer.


    “Spencer,” I whisper. And she looks up at me. And the look she had before is gone, now she just looks afraid. And I know that she won’t go any farther, but I won’t either. “You’re drunk,” I sigh. And she slides off of me, rolling onto her side with her back towards me.


    “It’s ok Spencer,” I say. Because I have to say it. Because if I don’t then she won’t be able to deal. So even though it’s not okay, and even though it breaks my heart, I tell her it’s fine, and that I’ll see her in the morning.  Then I get up, throw on a shirt and grab my pillow and a blanket and start to walk downstairs.


    “Ashley?” She asks. “Where are you going?”         


    I don’t even turn around to look at her when I say “I’m going down stairs to sleep on the couch.”


    “What? Why? Just stay up here with me.”  She’s acting confused. And it only makes me angrier.


    “Because Spencer. I can not sleep in the same bed as you. Not tonight. Not after….” I trail off. And she sits up in my bed and looks at me.


    “Ashley?” She whispers, “It’s not okay is it?”


    I sigh. “No Spence, it’s not. Good night.” And then I walk out of my door and go downstairs, where I will lie awake on the couch for the entire night thinking about her, while she lies awake in my bed for the entire night, thinking about me. And we’ll both wait for tomorrow.












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    1. man i feel bad for ash in the fact that spencer was drunk while doing those things and sad for spencer cuz she needed to the intoxication to allow her to do what she really wants to do.

    2. woah. poor ashley .. that blows. damn! it’s like .. im happy they kissed but, sad because spencer was drunk. ugh! awesome update though!! great job! PMS

    3. man i feel bad for ash in the fact that spencer was drunk while doing those things and sad for spencer cuz she needed to the intoxication to allow her to do what she really wants to do.

    4. woah. poor ashley .. that blows. damn! it’s like .. im happy they kissed but, sad because spencer was drunk. ugh! awesome update though!! great job! PMS

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