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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Possession)


    “Hey guys,” She says sweetly, tilting her head to the side and squinting into the sun. “Glen where were you?”


    “Oh I was getting more food when I saw you attack my little Ashley over here,” Only I notice Spencer’s smile tighten and become even more forced. I widen my eyes at her to try and say “Help!” and “Not my fault!” before once again trying to get out of his grasp. And once again, Glen ruins my life.


    “You made a real mess of my girl here Spence,” He says before kissing my cheek and licking the ice cream off it.


    I do believe she’s about to kill me.


    The fake smile on her face falters for a minute, and her eyes completely give away the anger welling up inside her. “Ashley,” She says through gritted teeth, “We both need to pee.”


    “I uh…” Is all I manage to get out before she drags me off to the bathrooms for the second time that day, leaving a stunned Glen in our wake.


    “Spence I’m sorry,” I try to say but she’s not listening. All I hear is her muttering to herself as we walk, “think he is…fucking Glen…she’s mine.” I realize who she’s talking about when she says ‘mine’ and it’s making me impossibly hot.


    The next thing I know I’m being thrown into a bathroom stall as Spencer quickly locks the door behind us. She attacks my neck, sucking and biting and most definitely leaving a mark. “Spence,” I pant, “No so rough, you’ll…ooh…leave a mark.”


    “Good,” She growls into my neck. “Because you’re mine. I’m the only one that gets to mark you Ashley.”  It’s official. Possessive Spencer is hot.


    Her hands travel from my waist and around to my back to roughly grab my ass. She squeezes harder, and my knees buckle, but she catches me. “Oh God… Spencer” I groan.


     “Mine,” I hear her mutter, before she reaches her hands into my bikini bottoms. Three fingers go deep inside me as her thumb quickly finds my clit. “Fuck…Spencer,” I moan as she quickly brings me over the edge.


    It takes me a few moments for me to catch my breath and once I do she pulls me in for a tender kiss before grabbing my hand and pulling my back out into the park. Smiling the entire time as she tugs me along, acting like she didn’t completely just take me in a bathroom stall.

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    1. okay i’m loving spencer’s mood swings and what is with glen he knows that it’s just fake yet he’s playing it up and is totally pissing spence off pms

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