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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Possession)


    Possessive Spencer may be hot, but slightly bipolar Spencer makes me nervous.




    We find Glen waiting outside the bathrooms for us, a concerned look on his face. “Are you guys feeling okay? You’ve been kind of running to the bathroom a lot today.”


    “I um…I just needed a quickie…uh I mean quick…uh break” I stutter. Oh Christ. Fortunately, Spencer cuts in.


    “She just needed a quick break from all the ….heat,” She says, smiling deceptively at Glen. I start to snicker and she elbows me in the ribs, discretely of course.


    “Okay,“ He shrugs, “so today didn’t go quite as planned, what with all the “drama” “Oh Lordy he used air quotes, what did I ever see in this boy. He continues, “So did you just want to go grab something to eat?”


    At the prospect of real food, my stomach grumbles loudly, and Spencer laughs. “Sure!” I say and we all trudge off to the car.






    We wind up in some diner. I slide all the way into a booth, and Glen attempts to sit next to me, but Spencer comes out of nowhere and beats him to it. “Spencer,” He says, clearly annoyed, “Can you sit on the other side please?”


    “Nope,” She says smugly. “You crashed girls’ weekend so you can’t pout over seating arrangements Glenny.”


    “Whatever Spencie,” He sneers.


    Lunch was a little tense after that, but I calmed Spencer’s annoyance with some subtle movements under the table. Her faced got so flushed and her breathing was so heavy she looked like she had just sprinted inside.


    Eventually we finish lunch and I persuade Glen to just drop us back at my house instead of hanging out some more. I really needed to talk to Spencer.


    “Ash, come on!” She yells from the kitchen.


    “What?” I respond following her voice.


    “Let’s go swimming!”


    “We were at a water park all day, Spence. I want to talk to you.”


    “We can talk later,” She says, smirking at me seductively. “And besides, I promise I’ll make the swim worth you while.” She reaches around and unties her top, dropping it to the floor before walking out the slide door onto the patio, turning around and saying “Aren’t you coming?”


    This girl. She’s avoiding the little chat I want to have, but before I can protest, I start thinking with….well, not with my brain and I’m out of my clothes and in the pull before she has time to blink. But hey, I’m not complaining.




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    1. okay i’m loving spencer’s mood swings and what is with glen he knows that it’s just fake yet he’s playing it up and is totally pissing spence off pms

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