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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Rambo)




    Ok so the next day, after the “kiss that didn’t happen” or whatever, Ash and I went back to my house and told Glen about Aiden and Madison. He wasn’t heartbroken, but he was pissed. Pissed enough to want revenge on Madison, and I was pissed enough to want to get back at Aiden, and Ashley just loves causing drama, whenever and wherever she can.


    So right now, it’s about 11.45 on Friday night, and Glen, Ash and me are camped out in Aiden’s bushes in front of his house. Aiden and Madison were all over each other on his living room couch, and they just went up stairs.


    “How long do you think they’ll be?” Glen asks.


    “Well,” Ashley says, “They went up stairs about two seconds ago, and we’re dealing with Aiden so they should be done in about…..” She looks at me and we both say “Two minutes!!” And burst out laughing.


    “Ewww,” Glen cringes. “I do not need to know how both of you know that.” Ash and I just shrug. Just then, a car drives by, and we all hit the dirt. Chances are if we get caught, we’re all getting arrested, and then committed.


    Earlier today, the three of us went down to the Army/Navy surplus store and got our selves some authentic gear, courtesy of the Ashley Davies trust fund.  Glen is wearing combat boots, fatigue pants and a flack jacket. He has a water gun on his belt, with extra cartridges going across his chest. He attached so many branches to his helmet that it basically looks like has a small tree on his head, but at least he is camouflaged.


    I’m wearing boots, camo pants and a helmet, just like Glen, but I have an army green wife beater on with two strands of bullets across my chest.  I have water balloon grenades tucked into my belt, and my back pack is filled with the essentials – toilet paper, eggs, toothpaste, and tampons.


    But Ash looks the best by far. And when I say she looks the best, I mean he looks fucking hot.  She’s wearing the pants and boots, just like me and Glen, but she has a tight black wife beater on that shows just a little bit of her tanned, toned abs and the lack of sleeves really show off her biceps.  She has a green bandana tied around her head, and has eye black on. There are squirt guns, water balloons and sling shots stuck in her belt, and strapped to her back is the biggest super soaker we could find, spray painted of course, so it looks authentic.

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    1. You have got to be kidding they were soooooooooo close that time such a tease but im totally hooked on his story plzzzzzzzz PMS an i mean really soon !!! :)

    2. gah! glen kills everything! loL! that was SOO funny though! i wanna know what happened that caused him to scream like a girl and run down the street! hahah! awesome update!! PMASAP!

    3. when they said there was no distraction i immediatly thought yea no distractions what about glen…and she had no excuse to fall back on either…so close

    4. You have got to be kidding they were soooooooooo close that time such a tease but im totally hooked on his story plzzzzzzzz PMS an i mean really soon !!! :)

    5. gah! glen kills everything! loL! that was SOO funny though! i wanna know what happened that caused him to scream like a girl and run down the street! hahah! awesome update!! PMASAP!

    6. when they said there was no distraction i immediatly thought yea no distractions what about glen…and she had no excuse to fall back on either…so close

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