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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Rambo)


    “Ok,” Ash says, “all we have to do is wait until we know they’re asleep, and then we can commence phase one. Glen, you go out back to the tree house and watch Aiden’s window. Me and Spence will cover the front.”


    “Aye aye Cap’n,” Glen says, saluting Ash as he walks around to the back of the house, crouching down and rolling whenever possible.


    “Dung Beetle this is Simba. Come in dung beetle. Over”


    “Why does my name suck so much?” Glen whined.


    “Because I said so. Now shut up. Are you in position? Over.”


    “Copy that, we’re all set over here. The two rabbits are still going at it like…uhh …well rabbits. Over.”


    “How very eloquent.” She rolls her eyes and I snicker. “Ok hold for further instructions. Over and out.”


    We both sit down in the mulch and lean against the cool brick of the house, our arms just barely touching, but even that little amount of contact sends shivers down my spine.


    “So what’s my code name?” I ask her, nudging her with my knee.


    “Well,” she says, “What do you want it to be?”


    “I don’t know, how about Nala,” I say. Because she’s Simba. So I’ll be Nala. I know, I know it’s cheesy. But she just looks at me, a small smile playing on her lips and I blush, unable to hold her gaze.


    “Oh Spencer, Spencer,” She says, shaking her head and lightly laughing. “How about Kokowam?”


    “From Pocahontas?” I snort.


    “Hey I happen to like Disney ok!” she says in mock anger.


    “I know you do Ash,” I reply. I don’t know if it’s because we sitting so close, or because it’s so quiet and secluded where we are, but I suddenly need to talk to her about the other night. “Ashley,” I say softly.





    I turn my head to look at her, and she has on the most serious face I’ve ever seen.


    “Yeah, Spence?” I know what she wants to talk about. And I’ve been waiting for this all damn week.


    “Ok. So the other night. I – ,” She pauses, because I grab her arm and start to give her the chills. Nervous habit. Usually she will just act like I’m not even doing it, but this time she closes her eyes and tilts her head back as a visible shiver goes through her. I can’t believe she’s being this bold.

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    1. You have got to be kidding they were soooooooooo close that time such a tease but im totally hooked on his story plzzzzzzzz PMS an i mean really soon !!! :)

    2. gah! glen kills everything! loL! that was SOO funny though! i wanna know what happened that caused him to scream like a girl and run down the street! hahah! awesome update!! PMASAP!

    3. when they said there was no distraction i immediatly thought yea no distractions what about glen…and she had no excuse to fall back on either…so close

    4. You have got to be kidding they were soooooooooo close that time such a tease but im totally hooked on his story plzzzzzzzz PMS an i mean really soon !!! :)

    5. gah! glen kills everything! loL! that was SOO funny though! i wanna know what happened that caused him to scream like a girl and run down the street! hahah! awesome update!! PMASAP!

    6. when they said there was no distraction i immediatly thought yea no distractions what about glen…and she had no excuse to fall back on either…so close

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